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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing INFA

INFALLIBLESinfallibles n. Plural of infallible.
INFALLIBLE n. one incapable of failure.
INFAMONISEDINFAMONISE v. to defame, to brand with infamy, also INFAMONIZE.
INFAMONISESINFAMONISE v. to defame, to brand with infamy, also INFAMONIZE.
INFAMONIZEDINFAMONIZE v. to defame, to brand with infamy, also INFAMONISE.
INFAMONIZESINFAMONIZE v. to defame, to brand with infamy, also INFAMONISE.
INFANGTHIEFinfangthief n. (Historical, law) A privilege of some feudal lords permitting them to execute summary judgment upon…
INFANGTHIEF n. (Old English) the right of taking and fining a thief within the boundaries of one's own jurisdiction.
INFANTHOODSinfanthoods n. Plural of infanthood.
INFANTHOOD n. infancy.
INFANTICIDEinfanticide n. The murder of an infant.
infanticide n. The murder of a child by a parent; filicide.
infanticide n. (Law, Canada) The criminal offence of killing of a newborn, committed by its mother while psychologically…
INFANTILISEinfantilise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of infantilize.
INFANTILISE v. to render infantile, also INFANTILIZE.
INFANTILISMinfantilism n. An emotional dependency on being treated as an infant.
infantilism n. (Sexuality) A paraphilia based on the sight or feeling of diapers, or being diapered.
INFANTILISM n. retention of childish physical, mental, or emotional qualities in adult life.
INFANTILITYinfantility n. Quality of being infantile.
INFANTILITY n. the state of being infantile.
INFANTILIZEinfantilize v. (Transitive) To reduce (a person) to the state or status of an infant.
infantilize v. (Transitive) To treat (a person) like a child.
INFANTILIZE v. to render infantile, also INFANTILISE.
INFANTRYMANinfantryman n. (Military) a soldier employed in an infantry role.
infantryman n. (By restriction) a male soldier of the infantry.
INFANTRYMAN n. an infantry soldier.
INFANTRYMENinfantrymen n. Plural of infantryman.
INFANTRYMAN n. an infantry soldier.
INFARCTIONSinfarctions n. Plural of infarction.
INFARCTION n. necrosis, the death of tissues due to the blocking of (esp. the arterial) blood supply.
INFATUATINGinfatuating v. Present participle of infatuate.
INFATUATE v. to inspire with foolish or unreasoning passion.
INFATUATIONinfatuation n. An immensely strong love or sexual attraction.
infatuation n. (Obsolete) The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; madness.
infatuation n. Something which infatuates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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