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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing ICIO

AFFICIONADOafficionado n. Alternative spelling of aficionado (“one who likes, knows about, and appreciates an interest”).
AFFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFICIONADO.
AFICIONADASaficionadas n. Plural of aficionada.
AFICIONADA n. a female aficionado.
AFICIONADOSaficionados n. Plural of aficionado.
AFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFFICIONADO.
DELICIOUSLYdeliciously adv. In a delicious manner.
DELICIOUS adv. tasting very good.
INJUDICIOUSinjudicious adj. Showing poor judgement; not well judged.
INJUDICIOUS adj. not judicious.
INOFFICIOUSinofficious adj. (Obsolete) Indifferent to obligation or duty.
inofficious adj. (Obsolete) Not officious; not civil or attentive.
inofficious adj. (Obsolete, law) Contrary to one’s natural obligation or duty, as of a testament by which a child is…
JUDICIOUSLYjudiciously adv. In a judicious manner.
JUDICIOUS adv. showing judgment.
MALICIOUSLYmaliciously adv. In a malicious manner, or for malicious reasons.
MALICIOUS adv. bearing ill-will or spite.
OFFICIOUSLYofficiously adv. In an officious manner.
OFFICIOUS adv. volunteering one's services too eagerly.
SALICIONALSsalicionals n. Plural of salicional.
SALICIONAL n. an organ stop with a tone like that of a willow pipe, also SALICET.
SUSPICIONALsuspicional adj. Relating to suspicion.
SUSPICIONAL adj. relating to suspicion.
SUSPICIONEDsuspicioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of suspicion.
SUSPICION v. to suspect.
UNMALICIOUSunmalicious adj. Not malicious.
UNMALICIOUS adj. not malicious.
UNOFFICIOUSunofficious adj. Not officious.
UNOFFICIOUS adj. not officious.
UNSUSPICIONunsuspicion n. Lack of suspicion.
UNSUSPICION n. a lack of suspicion.
VENEFICIOUSveneficious adj. (Obsolete) Acting by poison; used in poisoning or sorcery.
VENEFICIOUS adj. acting by poison or potions or by sorcery, also VENEFIC, VENEFICAL, VENEFICOUS.
VICIOSITIESviciosities n. Plural of viciosity.
VICIOSITY n. the state or character of being guilty of or devoted to vice or immorality, also VITIOSITY.
VICIOUSNESSviciousness n. The characteristic of being vicious.
viciousness n. The desire to cause harm to others; extreme cruelty.
VICIOUSNESS n. the state of being vicious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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