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There are 19 ten-letter words containing IVEN

ACTIVENESSactiveness n. The state or quality of being active.
ACTIVENESS n. the quality of being active.
ANTIVENENEantivenene n. (UK and Australia, medicine) Synonym of antivenom.
anti-venene n. (UK and Australia, medicine) Alternative form of antivenene.
ANTIVENENE n. an antitoxin countering esp. snake venom, also ANTIVENIN, ANTIVENOM.
ANTIVENINSantivenins n. Plural of antivenin.
ANTIVENIN n. an antitoxin countering esp. snake venom, also ANTIVENENE, ANTIVENOM.
ANTIVENOMSantivenoms n. Plural of antivenom.
ANTIVENOM n. an antitoxin countering esp. snake venom, also ANTIVENENE, ANTIVENIN.
CONNIVENCEconnivence n. (Obsolete) connivance.
CONNIVENCE n. the state of being connivent, also CONNIVENCY.
CONNIVENCYconnivency n. (Obsolete) connivance.
CONNIVENCY n. the state of being connivent, also CONNIVENCE.
DRIVENNESSdrivenness n. The quality of being driven; drive; ambition.
DRIVENNESS n. the state of being driven.
ENLIVENERSenliveners n. Plural of enlivener.
ENLIVENER n. something that enlivens.
ENLIVENINGenlivening v. Present participle of enliven.
ENLIVEN v. to make lively.
LIVENESSESlivenesses n. Plural of liveness.
LIVENESS n. the quality of being live.
NATIVENESSnativeness n. The state or condition of being native.
NATIVENESS n. the state of being native.
OLIVENITESolivenites n. Plural of olivenite.
OLIVENITE n. an olive-green hydrous arseniate of copper.
OUTSTRIVENOUTSTRIVE v. to surpass in striving.
OVERDRIVENoverdriven adj. Driven too hard; exhausted.
overdriven adj. (Music) Characteristic of overdrive.
OVERDRIVE v. to drive to excess.
SCRIVENERSscriveners n. Plural of scrivener.
SCRIVENER n. (historical) a scribe, a copyist.
SCRIVENINGscrivening n. The product of a scrivener; that which is written or copied.
SCRIVENING n. writing, esp. of a routine or arduous kind.
UNFORGIVENunforgiven adj. Not forgiven.
unforgiven n. Those who cannot be forgiven.
unforgiven v. Simple past tense and past participle of unforgive.
VOTIVENESSvotiveness n. The quality of being votive.
VOTIVENESS n. the state of being votive.
WANTHRIVENwanthriven adj. (Dialectal, chiefly Scotland) Stunted; ill-grown; decayed; in a state of decline.
wanthriven adj. (Dialectal, chiefly Scotland) emaciated; weakly.
wan-thriven adj. Alternative form of wanthriven.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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