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There are 16 ten-letter words containing ISOC

ANTISOCIALantisocial adj. Unwilling or unable to cooperate and associate normally with other people.
antisocial adj. Antagonistic, hostile, or unfriendly toward others; menacing.
antisocial adj. Opposed to social order or the principles of society; hostile toward society.
ISOCALORICisocaloric adj. Having the same calorific value.
isocaloric adj. (Of a diet) Having approximately the same calorific value each day.
ISOCALORIC adj. having similar caloric values.
ISOCHASMICisochasmic adj. Indicating equal auroral display.
ISOCHASMIC adj. indicating equal auroral display; as, an isochasmic line.
ISOCHEIMALisocheimal adj. Of or relating to isocheims.
ISOCHEIMAL adj. connecting points of same average winter temperature.
ISOCHEIMAL n. an isocheimal line, also ISOCHIMAL.
ISOCHEIMICISOCHEIMIC adj. relating to an isocheim, a line connecting points of same average winter temperature.
ISOCHIMALSISOCHIMAL n. an isochimal line, also ISOCHEIMAL.
ISOCHRONALisochronal adj. Having the same duration.
isochronal adj. Happening at regular periods; isochronous, periodic.
isochronal adj. (Computing, of data) Time-dependent.
ISOCHRONESisochrones n. Plural of isochrone.
ISOCHRONE n. a line connecting points of equal time difference, also ISOCHRON.
ISOCHROOUSisochroous adj. Of uniform color; isochromatic.
ISOCHROOUS adj. of uniform colour.
ISOCLINALSisoclinals n. Plural of isoclinal.
ISOCLINAL n. a line connecting points of same magnetic dip, also ISOCLINIC.
ISOCLINICSisoclinics n. Plural of isoclinic.
ISOCLINIC n. a line on a map connecting points of same magnetic dip, also ISOCLINAL.
ISOCRACIESisocracies n. Plural of isocracy.
ISOCRACY n. a form of government.
ISOCRYMALSisocrymals n. Plural of isocrymal.
ISOCRYMAL n. a line connecting points of equal temperature during the coldest time, also ISOCRYME.
ISOCYANATEisocyanate n. (Chemistry) the univalent radical -N=C=O (tautomeric with cyanate), and any of its hydrocarbyl derivatives R-N=C=O.
ISOCYANATE n. an ester of isomeric cyanic acid used in plastics and adhesives.
ISOCYANIDEisocyanide n. (Chemistry) The isomer HN+C- of hydrocyanic acid HCN.
isocyanide n. (Chemistry) Any of its hydrocarbyl derivatives RNC.
ISOCYANIDE n. a salt or ester of isocyanic acid.
MISOCAPNICmisocapnic adj. (Rare) Disliking smoking and tobacco smoke.
MISOCAPNIC adj. hating tobacco smoke.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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