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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing ISEC

BISECTIONSbisections n. Plural of bisection.
BISECTION n. the act of bisecting.
DISECONOMYdiseconomy n. (Economics) A financial drawback or cost arising from a process.
DISECONOMY n. lack of economy; a factor responsible for an increase in cost.
QUADRISECTquadrisect v. (Transitive) To divide into four parts.
QUADRISECT v. to divide into four equal parts.
SEMISECRETsemisecret adj. Subject to a moderate degree of secrecy; partially but not entirely secret.
SEMISECRET adj. partly secret.
TRISECTINGtrisecting v. Present participle of trisect.
TRISECT v. to divide into three equal parts.
TRISECTIONtrisection n. (Geometry) The division of an angle into three equal parts.
TRISECTION n. the act of trisecting.
TRISECTORStrisectors n. Plural of trisector.
TRISECTOR n. one who trisects.
TRISECTRIXtrisectrix n. A type of curve that is useful for trisecting the angle.
TRISECTRIX n. a certain curve of a polar equation.
VIVISECTEDvivisected v. Simple past tense and past participle of vivisect.
VIVISECT v. to dissect the living body of.
VIVISECTORvivisector n. A practitioner of vivisection.
VIVISECTOR n. one who vivisects.
WISECRACKSwisecracks n. Plural of wisecrack.
wisecracks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wisecrack.
WISECRACK v. to make a wisecrack.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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