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There are 11 ten-letter words containing IOSI

AEROBIOSISaerobiosis n. (Biology) Any form of life that is sustained by the presence of air (or oxygen).
AEROBIOSIS n. life in the presence of oxygen.
ANTIBIOSISantibiosis n. (Ecology) An association between organisms that is detrimental (harmful) to one or more of them; especially…
ANTIBIOSIS n. a state of mutual antagonism between associated organisms.
ATELEIOSISateleiosis n. Alternative form of ateliosis.
ATELEIOSIS n. dwarfism with disproportion.
BABESIOSISbabesiosis n. (Pathology) Any of several malaria-like parasitic diseases in humans and other animals caused by Babesia…
BABESIOSIS n. redwater, a cattle infection caused by the parasite babesia, also BABESIASIS.
ENANTIOSISenantiosis n. (Rhetoric) A figure of speech by which what is to be understood affirmatively is stated negatively…
ENANTIOSIS n. the rhetorical device of stating the opposite of what is meant, usually ironically.
GRACIOSITYgraciosity n. (Archaic) graciousness, usually in a bad sense, as implying duplicity.
GRACIOSITY n. graciousness.
OTIOSITIESotiosities n. Plural of otiosity.
OTIOSITY n. the state of being otiose.
PARABIOSISparabiosis n. (Physiology) The (natural or surgical) union of parts of two organisms, especially in such a way as…
parabiosis n. The fusion of two embryos to form conjoined twins.
parabiosis n. A transient physiological state of suspension of obvious vital activities such as to enable an organism…
PRECIOSITYpreciosity n. (Usually derogatory, uncountable) The quality of being overly refined in an affected way (often used…
preciosity n. (Usually derogatory, countable) An instance of preciosity; something that is overly refined in an affected way.
preciosity n. (Obsolete, uncountable) The quality of being precious (of high value or worth).
SPECIOSITYspeciosity n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being specious.
speciosity n. (Countable, rare, chiefly in the plural) A specious action, promise, ideology, etc.
SPECIOSITY n. the state of being specious.
SPURIOSITYspuriosity n. (Rare) Spuriousness.
spuriosity n. (Rare) That which is spurious; something false or illegitimate.
SPURIOSITY n. the state of being spurious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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