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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing INEE

CARABINEERcarabineer n. (Obsolete) A cavalry soldier.
CARABINEER n. a soldier armed with a carbine, also CARABINIER, CARBINEER, CARBINIER.
CARBINEERScarbineers n. Plural of carbineer.
CARBINEER n. a soldier armed with a carbine, also CARABINEER, CARABINIER, CARBINIER.
CONOMINEESconominees n. Plural of conominee.
CONOMINEE n. one nominated in conjunction with another; a joint nominee.
DISTRAINEEdistrainee n. One who is distrained.
DISTRAINEE n. a person whose property has been distrained.
DOMINEEREDdomineered v. Simple past tense and past participle of domineer.
DOMINEER v. to be overbearing.
ENGINEEREDengineered adj. Produced by engineering; designed and manufactured according to an engineering methodology.
engineered v. Simple past tense and past participle of engineer.
ENGINEER v. to arrange or contrive.
ENSHRINEESenshrinees n. Plural of enshrinee.
ENSHRINEE n. one who is enshrined.
IMAGINEERSImagineers n. Plural of Imagineer.
IMAGINEER v. to design and create something new and imaginative.
MANCHINEELmanchineel n. A tropical American tree (Hippomane mancinella), having apple-like, poisonous fruit, and a sap that…
MANCHINEEL n. (Spanish) a tropical tree with poisonous latex.
MENOMINEESMenominees n. Plural of Menominee.
MENOMINEE n. a small whitefish found in the northern US and Canada, also MENOMINI.
MUFFINEERSmuffineers n. Plural of muffineer.
MUFFINEER n. a dish for keeping muffins hot.
MUTINEEREDmutineered v. Simple past tense and past participle of mutineer.
MUTINEER v. to revolt against constituted authority, also MUTINY, MUTINE.
REENGINEERreengineer v. To engineer again, to redesign or extensively modify in design.
re-engineer v. To modify the design of an existing system, organization, process or product in order to make it more…
REENGINEER v. to engineer again.
RETRAINEESretrainees n. Plural of retrainee.
RETRAINEE n. one who is retrained.
ROUTINEERSroutineers n. Plural of routineer.
ROUTINEER n. one who adheres to a routine.
SCRUTINEERscrutineer n. (Now chiefly motor racing) A person who scrutinises; a person responsible for scrutineering.
scrutineer n. (Canada, elections) A poll-watcher.
scrutineer n. (Canada) A person who observes any process which requires rigorous oversight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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