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There are 13 words containing IRH

AIRHEADairhead n. (Military) An area of hostile territory that has been seized for use as an airbase to ensure the further…
airhead n. (By extension) A (usually temporary) landing area for aircraft for supplying a non-military operation.
airhead n. (Mining, archaic) Alternative form of air-head (“a horizontal channel providing ventilation in a mine.”).
AIRHEADEDairheaded adj. Silly, foolish.
airheaded adj. Unintelligent.
AIRHEADED adj. like an airhead.
AIRHEADSairheads n. Plural of airhead.
air-heads n. Plural of air-head.
AIRHEAD n. an empty-headed, superficial person.
AIRHOLEairhole n. A hole provided for ventilation or breathing.
airhole n. A hole in ice through which air escapes.
airhole n. (Aeronautics) An air pocket.
AIRHOLESairholes n. Plural of airhole.
air␣holes n. Plural of air hole.
AIRHOLE n. a hole for the passage of air.
ANTIRHEUMATICantirheumatic adj. (Pharmacology) Serving to prevent or counter rheumatism.
antirheumatic n. (Pharmacology) A drug that prevents or counters rheumatism.
ANTIRHEUMATIC n. an agent that alleviates or prevents rheumatism.
ANTIRHEUMATICSantirheumatics n. Plural of antirheumatic.
ANTIRHEUMATIC n. an agent that alleviates or prevents rheumatism.
DIRHAMdirham n. A unit of currency used in the Arab world, currently the name of the currency of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates.
dirham n. (Historical units of measurement) Alternative form of dirhem: a former Turkish unit of weight.
Dirham n. Alternative letter-case form of dirham.
DIRHAMSdirhams n. Plural of dirham.
DIRHAM n. (Arabic) a Middle Eastern coin, also DERHAM, DIRHEM.
DIRHEMdirhem n. (Historical units of measurement) A former small Turkish unit of weight, variously reckoned as 1.5–3…
dirhem n. (Chiefly historical Turkish contexts) Alternative form of dirham: a former silver coin weighing one…
DIRHEM n. (Arabic) a Middle Eastern coin, also DIRHAM, DERHAM.
DIRHEMSdirhems n. Plural of dirhem.
DIRHEM n. (Arabic) a Middle Eastern coin, also DIRHAM, DERHAM.
STAIRHEADstairhead n. The landing at the top of a staircase.
STAIRHEAD n. the level place at the top of the stairs.
STAIRHEADSstairheads n. Plural of stairhead.
STAIRHEAD n. the level place at the top of the stairs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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