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There are 20 words containing IGW

BIGWIGbigwig n. (Humorous) A person of importance to a group or organization.
big-wig n. Alternative spelling of bigwig.
big␣wig n. Alternative spelling of bigwig.
WIGWAGwigwag n. Any of a number of mechanical or electrical devices which cause a component to oscillate between two states.
wigwag n. (US, military, historical) A signal sent by waving a flag to and fro.
wigwag v. To move gently in one direction and then another; to wig or wiggle, to wag or waggle.
WIGWAMwigwam n. A dwelling having an arched framework overlaid with bark, hides, or mats, used by Native Americans in…
wigwam n. (Possibly dated) Any more or less similar dwelling used by indigenous people in other parts of the world.
wigwam v. (Transitive) To dry (flax or straw) by standing it outside in the shape of a wigwam.
BIGWIGSbigwigs n. Plural of bigwig.
big-wigs n. Plural of big-wig.
big␣wigs n. Plural of big wig.
FIGWORTfigwort n. Any of various woodland herbs and shrubs of the genus Scrophularia.
figwort n. (Archaic) Ficaria verna, formerly Ranunculus ficaria.
FIGWORT n. a plant of the snapdragon family.
PIGWASHpigwash n. Pigswill.
PIGWASH n. waste fed to pigs, also PIGSWILL.
PIGWEEDpigweed n. Any of various weedy plants sometimes used as pig fodder.
PIGWEED n. a weedy plant.
WIGWAGSwigwags n. Plural of wigwag.
wigwags v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wigwag.
wig-wags n. Plural of wig-wag (alternative form of wigwags).
WIGWAMSwigwams n. Plural of wigwam.
WIGWAM n. (Native American) a domed tentlike American Indian dwelling.
FIGWORTSfigworts n. Plural of figwort.
FIGWORT n. a plant of the snapdragon family.
PIGWEEDSpigweeds n. Plural of pigweed.
PIGWEED n. a weedy plant.
PIGWASHESPIGWASH n. waste fed to pigs, also PIGSWILL.
RIGWIDDIErigwiddie n. Alternative form of rigwoodie.
RIGWIDDIE n. (Scots) a carthorse's backband, also RIGWOODIE.
RIGWOODIErigwoodie n. (Obsolete, Scotland) rope, chain, or band that crosses the saddle of a horse to support the attachment of a cart.
rigwoodie adj. (Obsolete, Scotland) Fit for the gallows.
RIGWOODIE n. (Scots) a carthorse's backband, also RIGWIDDIE.
WIGWAGGEDwigwagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of wigwag.
wig-wagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of wig-wag (alternative form of wigwagged).
WIGWAG v. to twist about.
WIGWAGGERwigwagger n. Anything that wigwags.
WIGWAGGER n. one who wigwags, signals with flags.
RIGWIDDIESrigwiddies n. Plural of rigwiddie.
rigwiddies n. Plural of rigwiddy.
RIGWIDDIE n. (Scots) a carthorse's backband, also RIGWOODIE.
RIGWOODIESrigwoodies n. Plural of rigwoodie.
RIGWOODIE n. (Scots) a carthorse's backband, also RIGWIDDIE.
WIGWAGGERSwigwaggers n. Plural of wigwagger.
WIGWAGGER n. one who wigwags, signals with flags.
WIGWAGGINGwigwagging v. Present participle of wigwag.
wig-wagging v. Present participle of wig-wag (alternative form of wigwagging).
WIGWAG v. to twist about.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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