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There are 16 words containing IAK

ALLIAKALLIAK n. (Inuit) an Inuit sledge.
ALLIAKSALLIAK n. (Inuit) an Inuit sledge.
DIAKINESESdiakineses n. Plural of diakinesis.
DIAKINESIS n. the final stage of prophase in meiosis.
DIAKINESISdiakinesis n. (Cytology) the last stage of prophase, in which the nucleolus and nuclear envelope disappear, spindle…
DIAKINESIS n. the final stage of prophase in meiosis.
KAIAKkaiak n. Obsolete spelling of kayak.
kaiak v. Obsolete spelling of kayak.
KAIAK n. (Inuit) a type of canoe, also KAYAK, KYAK, QAJAQ.
KAIAKEDkaiaked v. Simple past tense and past participle of kaiak.
KAIAK v. to travel by kaiak, also KAYAK.
KAIAKINGkaiaking v. Present participle of kaiak.
KAIAK v. to travel by kaiak, also KAYAK.
KAIAKSkaiaks n. Plural of kaiak.
KAIAK v. to travel by kaiak, also KAYAK.
KRAKOWIAKkrakowiak n. A lively, syncopated Polish dance in duple time.
KRAKOWIAK n. (Polish) a lively Polish dance, also CRACOVIENNE.
KRAKOWIAKSkrakowiaks n. Plural of krakowiak.
KRAKOWIAK n. (Polish) a lively Polish dance, also CRACOVIENNE.
OOMIAKoomiak n. Alternative spelling of umiak.
OOMIAK n. (Inuit) an Inuit canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAK, UMIAQ.
OOMIAKSoomiaks n. Plural of oomiak.
OOMIAK n. (Inuit) an Inuit canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAK, UMIAQ.
PERIAKTOIperiaktoi n. Plural of periaktos.
periaktoi n. A device for changing scenery in a theatre. A row of adjacent, three-sided columns form a backdrop to…
PERIAKTOS n. (Greek) in the ancient Greek theatre, a tall revolving prism at the side of the stage, projecting a variety of backdrops.
PERIAKTOSperiaktos n. (Historical) A revolving structure used to change scenes rapidly in a theatre: a tall prism-shaped frame…
PERIAKTOS n. (Greek) in the ancient Greek theatre, a tall revolving prism at the side of the stage, projecting a variety of backdrops.
UMIAKumiak n. (Nautical) A large, open boat made of skins stretched over a wooden frame that is propelled by paddles;…
UMIAK n. (Inuit) an Inuit canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAQ.
UMIAKSumiaks n. Plural of umiak.
UMIAK n. (Inuit) an Inuit canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAQ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 176 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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