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There are 15 words containing IAI

ANTIAIRantiair adj. (Military, aviation) Synonym of antiaircraft.
anti-air adj. (Military, aviation) Synonym of anti-aircraft.
ANTIAIR adj. directed against attacking aircraft.
ANTIAIRCRAFTantiaircraft adj. Alternative spelling of anti-aircraft.
antiaircraft n. Alternative spelling of anti-aircraft.
anti-aircraft adj. (Military) Intended to attack aircraft.
ANTIAIRCRAFTSantiaircrafts n. Plural of antiaircraft.
anti-aircrafts n. Plural of anti-aircraft.
ANTIAIRCRAFT n. antiaircraft guns or their fire.
LIAISEliaise v. To establish a liaison.
liaise v. To act between parties with a view to reconciling differences.
liaise v. To cooperate, consult and discuss in order to come to a common solution.
LIAISEDliaised v. Simple past tense and past participle of liaise.
LIAISE v. to form a link with.
LIAISESliaises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of liaise.
LIAISE v. to form a link with.
LIAISINGliaising v. Present participle of liaise.
LIAISE v. to form a link with.
LIAISONliaison n. Communication between two parties or groups.
liaison n. Co-operation, working together.
liaison n. A relayer of information between two forces in an army or during war.
LIAISONSliaisons n. Plural of liaison.
LIAISON n. (French) a means of maintaining communication.
NIAISERIENIAISERIE n. (French) simplicity; foolishness.
NIAISERIESNIAISERIE n. (French) simplicity; foolishness.
NIRAMIAIniramiai n. (Sumo) The staredown between sumo wrestlers before a match.
NIRAMIAI n. (Japanese) in sumo wrestling, a period of stamping and glaring to cow the opponent.
NIRAMIAISNIRAMIAI n. (Japanese) in sumo wrestling, a period of stamping and glaring to cow the opponent.
SHIAISHIAI n. (Japanese) a judo contest.
SHIAISSHIAI n. (Japanese) a judo contest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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