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There are 15 eight-letter words containing IRU

ANTIRUSTantirust adj. Alternative spelling of anti-rust.
antirust n. Alternative spelling of anti-rust.
anti-rust adj. Preventing the formation of rust.
BABIRUSAbabirusa n. Any of several mammals in the genus Babyrousa in the pig family Suidae, in which the upper tusk grows upward.
BABIRUSA n. (Malay) a large hoglike quadruped of the East Indies, also BABIROUSSA, BABIRUSSA.
CANDIRUScandirus n. Plural of candiru.
candirús n. Plural of candirú.
CANDIRU n. a tiny S American fish which can swim into a body orifice, where it attaches itself by means of a spine and feeds on blood and body tissue.
HIRUDINShirudins n. Plural of hirudin.
HIRUDIN n. a substance present in the salivary glands of leeches, used as an anticoagulant.
POXVIRUSpoxvirus n. Any of a group of DNA viruses, of the family Poxviridae, that cause pox diseases in vertebrates.
Poxvirus prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family unknown – see Orthopoxvirus.
POXVIRUS n. any one of a group of DNA-containing animal viruses.
PROVIRUSprovirus n. (Virology) A virus genome, such as HIV, that integrates itself into the DNA of a host cell so as to…
PROVIRUS n. the form of a virus when it is integrated into the DNA of the host cell.
REOVIRUSreovirus n. Any of a group of RNA viruses, of the family Reoviridae, that infect animals and some plants.
REOVIRUS n. a type of virus.
SIRUPIERSIRUPY adj. like sirup.
SIRUPINGsiruping v. Present participle of sirup.
SIRUP v. to make into a syrup.
SPIRULAESPIRULA n. (Latin) a spiral-shelled mollusk.
SPIRULASspirulas n. Plural of spirula.
SPIRULA n. (Latin) a spiral-shelled mollusk.
SUBVIRUSsubvirus n. (Virology) An organism or substance, such as a viral protein, that is smaller than a virus and has some…
SUBVIRUS n. a viral protein smaller than a virus.
VIRUCIDEvirucide n. Alternative form of viricide.
VIRUCIDE n. a substance that destroys viruses, also VIRICIDE.
VIRULENTvirulent adj. Of animals, plants, or substances: extremely venomous or poisonous.
virulent adj. (Figurative) Extremely hostile or malicious; intensely acrimonious.
virulent adj. (Medicine) Of a disease or disease-causing agent: malignant, able to cause damage to the host.
VIRUSOIDvirusoid n. A circular single-stranded RNA, similar but not identical to a viroid, dependent on plant viruses for…
VIRUSOID n. a particle of RNA associated with some plant viruses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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