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There are 13 seven-letter words containing IPT

DIPTERADiptera prop.n. A taxonomic order within the superorder Endopterygota – true flies.
DIPTERA n. an extensive order of insects having only two functional wings and two balancers.
DIPTYCADIPTYCA n. a pair of pictures on hinged panels, also DIPTYCH.
DIPTYCHdiptych n. A writing tablet consisting of two leaves of rigid material connected by hinges and shutting together…
diptych n. (Art) A picture or series of pictures painted on two tablets, usually connected by hinges.
diptych n. (Christianity) A double catalogue, containing in one part the names of living, and in the other of deceased…
NIPTERSNIPTER n. (Greek) an ecclesiastical ceremony of washing the feet.
RECEIPTreceipt n. The act of receiving, or the fact of having been received.
receipt n. (Obsolete) The fact of having received a blow, injury etc.
receipt n. (In the plural) A quantity or amount received; takings.
RIPTIDEriptide n. A particularly strong tidal current.
riptide n. A rip current which may carry a swimmer offshore (the term "riptide" used in this sense is a misnomer).
rip␣tide n. (UK) Alternative spelling of riptide.
SCRIPTSscripts n. Plural of script.
scripts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of script.
SCRIPT v. to prepare a written text for a play.
TIPTOEDtiptoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tiptoe.
TIPTOE v. to walk on the tips of one's toes, also TIPPYTOE.
TIPTOEStiptoes n. The tips of the toes.
tiptoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tiptoe.
tip-toes n. Plural of tip-toe.
TIPTOPStiptops n. Plural of tiptop.
tip-tops n. Plural of tip-top.
TIPTOP n. the highest point.
TRIPTANtriptan n. Any of a family of tryptamine-based drugs used as abortive medication in the treatment of migraine and…
TRIPTAN n. a drug for treating migraine attacks.
UNCLIPTunclipt adj. Archaic form of unclipped.
UNCLIPT adj. unclipped.
UNWHIPTunwhipt adj. Archaic spelling of unwhipped.
UNWHIPT adj. (obsolete) not whipped, also UNWHIPPED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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