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There are 13 seven-letter words containing IPA

BIPACKSbipacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bipack.
BIPACK n. a pair of films.
BIPARTYbiparty adj. Involving two parties or entities.
BIPARTY adj. of two parties.
CLIPARTclipart n. Alternative spelling of clip art.
clip␣art n. (Computing) A set of images, distributed as files with other software, that may be copied and pasted…
CLIPART n. graphical pieces that can be pasted into documents electronically.
GENIPAPgenipap n. The North and South American tree Genipa americana of the family Rubiaceae.
genipap n. The fruit of this tree, oval in shape, as a large as a small orange, of a pale greenish color, and with…
GENIPAP n. (Tupi) a tropical American tree; its orange-like fruit, also GENIP, GENIPAPO, GUINEP.
HELIPADhelipad n. (Aviation) A small landing place for helicopters, denoted by a large "H".
HELIPAD n. a landing pad for helicopters.
LIPASESlipases n. Plural of lipase.
LIPASE n. an enzyme that breaks up fats.
OEDIPALoedipal adj. Alternative letter-case form of Oedipal.
Oedipal adj. (Psychoanalysis) Of or relating to the Oedipus complex.
Œdipal adj. Obsolete spelling of Oedipal.
OVIPARAovipara n. (Zoology) oviparous organisms.
ovipara n. An aphid in its oviparous form.
OVIPARA n. an artificial division of vertebrates, including those that lay eggs.
PIPAGESpipages n. Plural of pipage.
PIPAGE n. transportation, as of petroleum oil, by means of a pipe conduit; also, the charge for such transportation, also PIPEAGE.
TAIPANStaipans n. Plural of taipan.
tai-pans n. Plural of tai-pan.
TAIPAN n. (Native Australian) an Australian venomous snake.
TALIPATtalipat n. Alternative form of talipot.
TALIPAT n. (Sinhalese) a very tall southern Indian fan palm with enormous leaves which are used as sunshades etc., also TALIPOT.
TRIPACKtripack n. (Photography) Film that has three emulsions sensitive to red, green, or blue stacked on top of one another.
TRIPACK n. a type of film pack.
TRIPARTtripart adj. Having three parts.
TRIPART adj. divided into three parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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