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There are 14 seven-letter words containing IFO

ACIFORMaciform adj. Shaped like a needle.
ACIFORM adj. needle-shaped.
ALIFORMaliform adj. Shaped like a wing.
aliform adj. (Of a building) Having wings.
ALIFORM adj. wing-shaped.
ANTIFOGantifog adj. Acting against fog or fogging.
ANTIFOG adj. acting to stop a car window from fogging up.
AVIFORMaviform adj. Having the shape of a bird.
AVIFORM adj. birdlike in structure.
BIFOCALbifocal adj. (Optics) Having two focal lengths.
bifocal adj. (Of a correcting lens) Divided into two parts, one of which corrects for distance vision and the other…
BIFOCAL adj. having two focal points.
BIFOLDSbifolds n. Plural of bifold.
BIFOLD n. a two-piece door.
DEIFORMdeiform adj. Godlike.
deiform adj. Conformable to the will of God.
DEIFORM adj. having the form of a god.
OVIFORMoviform adj. Egg-shaped.
OVIFORM adj. shaped like an egg.
TIFOSOSTIFOSO n. (Italian) a fan or devotee of some sport.
TRIFOLDtrifold adj. Threefold.
trifold adj. Of a mirror: having three reflective surfaces hinged together.
trifold n. Any sheet of paper or cardboard, folded into three sections along two parallel creases and used to present…
TRIFOLYtrifoly n. Melilot; sweet clover.
trifoly n. The plant trefoil.
TRIFOLY n. a plant having three-lobed leaves, also TREFOIL.
TRIFORMtriform adj. Having three different forms.
TRIFORM adj. having three forms.
TWIFOLDtwifold adj. (Archaic) Twofold.
twifold adv. (Archaic) In a twofold manner or measure.
UNIFORMuniform adj. Unvarying; all the same.
uniform adj. Consistent; conforming to one standard.
uniform adj. (Mathematics) with speed of convergence not depending on choice of function argument; as in uniform…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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