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There are 18 six-letter words containing IRO

CHIROSchiros n. Plural of chiro.
CHIRO n. (short for) chiropractor.
ENVIROenviro n. (Informal) An ecofreak.
enviro- pref. Environmental or environmentalist.
ENVIRO n. (colloquial) an environmentalist.
GIRONSgirons n. Plural of giron.
GIRON n. a heraldic inverted vee, also GYRON.
GUIROSguiros n. Plural of guiro.
GUIRO n. (Spanish) a notched gourd used as a percussion instrument in Latin America.
HUPIROHUPIRO n. (Maori) a New Zealand name for stinkwood.
IROKOSirokos n. Plural of iroko.
IROKO n. (Yoruba) a large African timber tree.
IRONEDironed v. Simple past tense and past participle of iron.
IRON v. to eliminate wrinkles from clothes by pressing.
IRONERironer n. Someone who irons, someone who does ironing.
ironer n. A mangle, a device used to iron clothes.
IRONER n. a machine for pressing clothes.
IRONESirones n. Plural of irone.
IRONE n. an aromatic oil.
IRONICironic adj. (Of a situation) Characterized by or constituting (any kind of) irony.
ironic adj. (Preceded with "being") Acting in a unserious and teasing manner.
ironic adj. (Of a statement, action, etc.) Done in an insincere and mocking manner; satirical.
LIROTHliroth n. Plural of lira.
LIRA n. (Italian) an Italian unit of currency.
PIROGIpirogi n. Alternative spelling of pierogi.
pirogi n. Plural of pirogi.
pirogi n. Plural of pirog.
SCIROCsciroc n. Alternative form of sirocco.
SCIROC n. (Italian) a hot, dry, dusty wind blowing from North Africa to the North Mediterranean coastline, also SCIROCCO, SIROC, SIROCCO.
SIROCSsirocs n. Plural of siroc.
SIROC n. (Italian) a hot, dry, dusty wind blowing from North Africa to the North Mediterranean coastline, also SCIROC, SCIROCCO, SIROCCO.
TIROEStiroes n. Plural of tiro.
TIRO n. (Latin) a beginner or novice, also TYRO.
VIROIDviroid n. A short section of RNA but without the protein coat typical of viruses, that are plant pathogens.
viroid n. Certain defective viruses, such as hepatitis D, a human pathogen.
VIROID n. a viruslike plant pathogen.
VIROSEvirose adj. Having a nauseous odour; fetid; poisonous.
VIROSE adj. poisonous; foul, also VIROUS.
VIROUSvirous adj. (Dated) viral.
VIROUS adj. poisonous, foul, also VIROSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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