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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing IOR

FIORDSfiords n. Plural of fiord.
FIORD n. (Norwegian) a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs, also FJORD.
FIORINfiorin n. (Botany) A species of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera).
FIORIN n. (Irish) a species of creeping bent grass.
HAVIORhavior n. (Obsolete) behaviour; demeanor.
HAVIOR n. (obsolete) behavior, demeanor, also HAVEOUR, HAVIOUR.
JUNIORjunior adj. (Comparable) Low in rank; having a subordinate role, job, or situation.
junior adj. (Not comparable, often preceded by a possessive adjective or a possessive form of a noun) Younger.
junior adj. (Not comparable) Belonging to a younger person, or an earlier time of life.
KIORESKIORE n. (Maori) a small brown rat native to New Zealand.
PAVIORpavior n. A person who lays paving slabs.
pavior n. A brick or slab used for paving.
pavior n. (Obsolete) A machine that is used to tamp down paving slabs.
PRIORSpriors n. Plural of prior.
PRIOR n. one in charge of a priory, ranking second to abbot.
PRIORYpriory n. A monastery or convent governed by a prior or prioress.
PRIORY n. a religious house.
SAVIORsavior n. A person who saves someone, rescues another from harm.
savior n. (Medicine) A child who is born to provide an organ or cell transplant to a sibling who has an otherwise…
Savior prop.n. (Christianity) Jesus Christ.
SENIORsenior adj. Older; superior.
senior adj. Higher in rank, dignity, or office.
senior adj. (US) Of or pertaining to a student’s final academic year at a high school (twelfth grade) or university.
TRIORStriors n. Plural of trior.
TRIOR n. (obsolete) a trier, also TRIER, TRYER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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