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There are 6 six-letter words containing INH

INHALEinhale v. (Intransitive) To draw air into the lungs, through the nose or mouth by action of the diaphragm.
inhale v. (Transitive) To draw air or any form of gas (either in a pure form, or mixed with small particles in…
inhale v. (Transitive, figuratively) To eat very quickly.
INHAULinhaul n. (Nautical) A rope used to haul in the clew of a sail, or a jib boom.
INHAUL n. a line for bringing in a sail, also INHAULER.
INHEREinhere v. To be inherent; to be an essential or intrinsic part of; to be fixed or permanently incorporated with something.
INHERE v. to be an essential characteristic.
INHOOPinhoop v. (Transitive, obsolete) To confine or enclose as with a hoop or hoops; coop up.
INHOOP v. (Shakespeare) to confine in a hoop.
INHUMEinhume v. (Transitive) To bury in a grave.
INHUME v. to bury, also INHUMATE.
LINHAYlinhay n. (Dialectal, south-west Britain) A shed or other outbuilding.
LINHAY n. a shed, also LINNEY, LINNY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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