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There are 14 six-letter words containing IKA

DIKASTdikast n. Alternative form of dicast (“juror in ancient Athens”).
DIKAST n. (historical) one of the 6000 Athenians chosen annually to act as judges, also DICAST.
HAIKAIhaikai n. A Japanese form of comic connected verse that gave rise to haiku.
HAIKAI n. (Japanese) a series of linked haiku.
KAIKAIkaikai n. Nigerian gin.
kai-kai n. (Nigeria) Moonshire; illicit alcohol.
kai␣kai n. (LGBT, slang) Sexual activity or intercourse between drag queens.
KAIKASKAIKA n. (Maori) the South Island dialect word for KAINGA, a Maori village, also KAIK.
LAIKASlaikas n. Plural of laika.
Laikas n. Plural of Laika.
LAIKA n. (Russian) a breed of small reddish-brown working dog.
MIKADOmikado n. (History) A former title of the emperors of Japan during a certain period.
mikado n. (Literary, countable) Any emperor of Japan.
mikado n. A game of skill, in which identically shaped (but differently colored and valued) wooden sticks must…
NIKABSNIKAB n. a veil covering the face, worn by Muslim women, also NIQAAB, NIQAB.
NIKAHSnikahs n. Plural of nikah.
NIKAH n. in Islamic marriage, the contract between bride and bridegroom.
NIKAUSnikaus n. Plural of nikau.
NIKAU n. (Maori) a type of palm tree, native to New Zealand.
PIKAKEpikake n. Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac.
PIKAKE n. (Hawaiian) a Hawaiian shrub with small, white, very fragrant flowers.
PIKAUSPIKAU n. (Maori) a rucksack.
SHIKARshikar n. (India) Hunting, sport; a hunting expedition.
shikar n. Hunting guide (elsewhere besides India, e.g. Australia).
shikar v. (India, dated, transitive, intransitive) To hunt; to go hunting.
TROIKAtroika n. A Russian carriage drawn by a team of three horses abreast.
troika n. A party or group of three, especially a ruling council of three people in Russian contexts.
TROIKA n. (Russian) a carriage drawn by three horses.
ZAIKAIzaikai n. Collectively, the powerful and influential businesspeople and tycoons of Japan.
ZAIKAI n. (Japanese) the business community of Japan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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