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There are 20 six-letter words containing IEL

AFIELDafield adv. Away (from the home or starting point, physical or conceptual); usually preceded by far (or farther, further).
afield adv. On the field.
afield adv. Out in the open.
ARIELSariels n. Plural of ariel.
ARIEL n. (Arabic) a kind of mountain gazelle native to Arabia.
BIELDSbields n. Plural of bield.
bields v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bield.
BIELD v. (Scots) to give shelter.
BIELDYbieldy adj. (Scotland) Sheltered from the weather; affording shelter.
BIELDY adj. (Scots) affording shelter.
CHIELDchield n. (Scotland) A man; a fellow, chap.
CHIELD n. (Scots) a man, a lad, also CHIEL.
CHIELSchiels n. Plural of chiel.
CHIEL n. (Scots) a man, a lad, also CHIELD.
CIELEDcieled v. Simple past tense and past participle of ciel.
CIEL v. to provide with a ceiling, also CEIL.
FIELDSfields n. Plural of field.
fields v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of field.
Fields prop.n. A surname.
MIELIEmielie n. (South Africa) Maize.
MIELIE n. (South African) an ear of corn, also MEALIE.
NIELLInielli n. Plural of niello.
NIELLO n. (Italian) a black metallic substance.
NIELLOniello n. (Metallurgy) Any of various black metal alloys, made of sulphur with copper, silver or lead, used to…
niello n. An impression on paper taken from the engraved or incised surface before the niello alloy has been inlaid.
niello v. (Transitive) To decorate (a surface) using this technique.
ORIELSoriels n. Plural of oriel.
ORIEL n. a projecting bay window supported with corbel or bracket.
SAMIELsamiel n. A hot desert wind, simoom.
SAMIEL n. (Turkish) a hot sand-laden wind of the Arabian and North African deserts.
SHIELDshield n. Anything that protects or defends; defense; shelter; protection.
shield n. A shape like that of a shield; usually, an inverted triangle with sides that curve inward to form a…
shield n. (Geology) A large expanse of exposed stable Precambrian rock.
SHIELSshiels n. Plural of shiel.
Shiels prop.n. Plural of Shiel.
SHIEL v. (Shakespeare) to shell, husk, also SHALE, SHEAL, SHEEL.
SPIELSspiels n. Plural of spiel.
spiels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spiel.
SPIEL v. to talk at length.
VIELLEvielle n. (Music) A medieval stringed instrument similar to a violin.
vielle n. (Music) The hurdy-gurdy.
VIELLE n. (French) a hurdy-gurdy, a stringed instrument played by a wheel.
WIELDSwields v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wield.
WIELD v. to handle or use effectively.
WIELDYwieldy adj. (Obsolete except Britain, dialectal) Able to wield one’s body well; active, dexterous.
wieldy adj. Capable of being easily wielded or managed; handy.
WIELDY adj. easily wielded.
YIELDSyields n. Plural of yield.
yields v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of yield.
YIELD v. to give up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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