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There are 14 six-letter words containing ICI

DICIERdicier adj. Comparative form of dicey: more dicey.
DICEY adj. dangerous.
DICINGdicing v. Present participle of dice.
dicing n. A game of dice.
dicing n. A fragment of diced food.
ELICITelicit v. To evoke, educe (Emotions, feelings, responses, etc.); to generate, obtain, or provoke as a response or answer.
elicit v. To draw out, bring out, bring forth (something latent); to obtain information from someone or something.
elicit v. To use logic to arrive at truth; to derive by reason.
FICINSFICIN n. a cysteine proteinase isolated from the latex of figs, also FICAIN.
ICICLEicicle n. A drooping, tapering shape of ice.
ICICLE n. a hanging spike of ice.
ICIESTiciest adj. Superlative form of icy: most icy.
ICY adj. covered with ice.
ICINGSicings n. Plural of icing.
ICING n. a sweet mixture for covering cakes.
NICISHnicish adj. Dated form of niceish.
NICISH adj. somewhat nice, also NICEISH.
PICINEpicine adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the woodpeckers (Pici), or to the Piciformes.
PICINE adj. of the woodpecker family.
RICIERRICY adj. containing rice, also RICEY.
RICINGricing v. Present participle of rice.
ricing n. (Soap-making) (Development of) undesirable, hard white granules in soap.
RICE v. to form soft foods by pressing through a ricer.
RICINSRICIN n. a substance extracted from castor bean, used as a biochemical reagent.
TICINGticing v. Present participle of tice.
TICE v. (Shakespeare) to entice.
VICINGvicing v. Present participle of vice.
VICE v. to grip with a special tool.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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