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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing IAT

AVIATEaviate v. To operate an aircraft.
AVIATE v. to fly an aircraft.
BIATCHbiatch n. (Derogatory, slang) Alternative form of bitch.
BIATCH n. (slang) a bitch, also BIACH, BITCH.
DIATOMdiatom n. Any of a group of minute unicellular algae having a siliceous covering of great delicacy, now categorized…
DIATOM n. a microscopic unicellular alga that has a rigid siliceous cell wall.
FIATEDfiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fiat.
FIAT v. to sanction.
HIATALhiatal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to a hiatus.
HIATAL adj. pertaining to a hiatus.
HIATUShiatus n. A gap in a series, making it incomplete.
hiatus n. An interruption, break or pause.
hiatus n. An unexpected break from work.
IATRICiatric adj. Of or pertaining to a physician or physicians.
-iatric suff. Of or relating to a physician.
-iatric suff. Pertaining to a particular branch of medicine.
LARIATlariat n. A lasso.
lariat n. A tether.
lariat n. (Wrestling) An attack where the wrestler runs towards an opponent, wraps his arm around their upper…
OPIATEopiate adj. Relating to, resembling, or containing opium.
opiate adj. (Pharmacology) Soporific; inducing sleep or sedation.
opiate adj. Deadening; causing apathy or dullness.
RIATASriatas n. Plural of riata.
RIATA n. (Spanish) a lariat, also REATA.
VIATICviatic adj. Of or pertaining to traveling or a journey.
VIATIC adj. pertaining to travelling, also VIATICAL.
VIATORviator n. (Rare) A wayfarer, traveler.
viator n. (Rare, historical) An apparitor, a summoner: a minor Roman official.
viator n. A person who is subject to a viatical insurance policy or a viatical settlement.
WAIATAwaiata n. (New Zealand) A Māori folk song.
WAIATA n. (Maori) a Maori song.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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