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There are 11 five-letter words containing ITC

AITCHaitch n. The name of the Latin-script letter H/h.
Aitch. prop.n. (Botany) An author name abbreviation for botanist James Edward Tierney Aitchison (1836-1898).
AITCH n. the letter H.
BITCHbitch n. (Dated or specialised, dog-breeding) A female dog or other canine, particularly a recent mother.
bitch n. (Archaic, offensive) A promiscuous woman, slut, whore.
bitch n. (Vulgar, offensive) A despicable or disagreeable, aggressive person, usually a woman.
DITCHditch n. A trench; a long, shallow indentation, as for irrigation or drainage.
ditch n. (Ireland) A raised bank of earth and the hedgerow on top.
ditch v. (Transitive) To discard or abandon.
FITCHfitch n. A polecat, such as the European polecat (Mustela putorius), the striped polecat, steppe polecat, or…
fitch n. A skin of a polecat.
fitch n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of vetch.
GITCHgitch n. (Saskatchewan, Manitoba, slang) Underwear.
GITCH n. (Canadian) underpants, also GINCH, GONCH, GOTCH.
HITCHhitch n. A sudden pull.
hitch n. Any of various knots used to attach a rope to an object other than another rope.
hitch n. A fastener or connection point, as for a trailer.
ITCHYitchy adj. (Of a condition) Characterized by itching.
itchy adj. (Of a person, animal or body part) Feeling an itching sensation; feeling a need to be scratched.
itchy adj. Causing an itching sensation.
MITCHmitch v. (Transitive, dialectal) To pilfer; filch; steal.
mitch v. (Intransitive, dialectal) To shrink or retire from view; lurk out of sight; skulk.
mitch v. (Ireland, Wales) To be absent from school without a valid excuse; to play truant.
PITCHpitch n. A sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees; sap.
pitch n. A dark, extremely viscous material remaining in still after distilling crude oil and tar.
pitch n. (Geology) Pitchstone.
TITCHtitch n. (Britain, colloquial) A very small person; a small child.
titch n. (Colloquial) A small amount of something.
titch v. Pronunciation spelling of touch.
WITCHwitch n. A person who practices witchcraft.
witch n. (Figurative, derogatory) An ugly or unpleasant woman.
witch n. One who exercises more-than-common power of attraction; a charming or bewitching person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 24 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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