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There are 16 five-letter words containing ISS

AMISSamiss adj. (Chiefly predicative) Wrong; faulty; out of order; improper or otherwise incorrect.
amiss adv. (Archaic) Wrongly; mistakenly.
amiss adv. Astray.
BLISSbliss n. Perfect happiness.
Bliss prop.n. An English surname transferred from the nickname originating as a nickname.
Bliss prop.n. (Rare) A unisex given name from English.
BRISSbriss n. Alternative form of bris (ritual circumcision).
BRISS n. (Hebrew) a Jewish circumcision rite, also BRITH, BRIS.
CISSYcissy n. Alternative spelling of sissy.
cissy n. (Slang, rare, often humorous, sometimes derogatory) A cisgender or cissexual person.
Cissy prop.n. A female given name, diminutive of Cicely.
HISSYhissy adj. Accompanied with hisses.
hissy adj. Making a hissing sound.
hissy adj. Childish or petulant.
ISSEIissei n. A member of the first generation of Japanese immigrants to North America, South America, or Australia.
ISSEI n. (Japanese) a Japanese immigrant to the United States.
ISSUEissue n. The action or an instance of flowing or coming out, an outflow, particularly…
issue n. Someone or something that flows out or comes out, particularly…
issue n. The means or opportunity by which something flows or comes out, particularly…
KISSYkissy adj. Sentimentally affectionate.
kissy adj. (Informal) Tending to kiss.
kissy adj. (Informal) Tending to kiss frequently.
MISSAmissa n. (Music) a mass, in the sense of a composition setting several sung parts of the liturgical service (most…
MISSA n. (Latin) the Mass.
MISSYmissy n. A young female, or miss; as a term of mild disparagement, typically used jokingly or rebukingly.
missy n. (Singapore, Malaysia) A female nurse.
missy adj. Girlish; effeminate; sentimental.
NISSENisse prop.n. A town in Borsele, Netherlands.
NISSE n. in Scandinavian folklore, a brownie or goblin, also NIS.
PISSYpissy adj. (Slang, vulgar) Covered in urine.
pissy adj. (Slang, vulgar) Resembling or smelling like urine.
pissy adj. (Slang, vulgar) Anal retentive, whinging and pernickety.
PRISSpriss n. (Informal) A prissy person.
priss v. To dress or behave in a prissy manner.
PRISS v. to act in a prissy manner.
SISSYsissy n. (Derogatory, colloquial) An effeminate boy or man.
sissy n. (Derogatory, colloquial) A timid, unassertive or cowardly person.
sissy n. (BDSM) A male crossdresser who adopts feminine behaviours.
SWISSswiss v. (Transitive) To prepare (Meat, fabric, etc.) by rolling or pounding in order to soften it.
Swiss adj. Of, from, or pertaining to Switzerland or the Swiss people.
Swiss n. (Countable) A person from Switzerland or of Swiss descent.
WHISSWHISS v. to hiss or whistle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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