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There are 8 five-letter words containing ISO

AVISOaviso n. Advisory; information; advice; intelligence.
aviso n. A kind of dispatch boat or "advice boat", carrying orders before the development of effective remote…
aviso n. A mid-sized colonial warship.
BISOMBISOM n. a term of reproach esp. for a woman, implying slatternliness.
BISONbison n. A large, wild bovid of the genus Bison.
Bison prop.n. A city and town in Kansas.
Bison prop.n. A town, the county seat of Perkins County, South Dakota.
MISOSmisos n. Plural of miso.
MISO n. (Japanese) a paste, used in flavouring, prepared from soya beans and fermented in brine.
PISOSPISO n. (Tagalog) the Philippines peso.
SHISOshiso n. Any of several varieties of the herb Perilla frutescens, related to basil and mint, used in Japanese cooking.
SHISO n. (Japanese) an Asian plant with aromatic leaves that are used in cooking.
VISONvison n. The American mink, variously classified as Neovison vison or Mustela vison.
vison n. Used as a specific epithet; mink.
Vison prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Mustelidae – the minks, now treated as part of Mustela.
VISORvisor n. A part of a helmet, arranged so as to lift or open, and so show the face. The openings for seeing and…
visor n. A mask for the face.
visor n. The fore piece of a cap, projecting over, and protecting the eyes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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