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There are 12 five-letter words containing ISM

AGISMagism n. Alternative spelling of ageism (agism is less common and sometimes deprecated).
AGISM n. discrimination based on age, also AGEISM.
APISMAPISM n. the state of being like an ape.
DEISMdeism n. A philosophical belief in the existence of a god (or goddess) knowable through human reason; especially…
deism n. Belief in a god who ceased to intervene with existence after acting as the cause of the cosmos.
Deism n. A religious philosophy and movement prominent in 17th-18th-century England, France, and what is now…
DISMEdisme n. (US, dated, 18th century) A dime minted in 1792.
disme n. (Obsolete) A tenth; a tenth part; a tithe.
DISME n. a former 10-cent coin of the USA.
GISMOgismo n. Alternative spelling of gizmo.
GISMO n. a gadget, also GIZMO.
GISMSGISM n. (colloquial) energy, force; semen, also JISM, JISSOM.
JISMSjisms n. Plural of jism.
JISM n. (colloquial) energy, force; semen, also GISM, JISSOM.
ODISModism n. (Archaic) The supposed science of the force or natural power called od.
ODISM n. belief in the power of od, also ODYLISM.
PRISMprism n. (Geometry) A polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape, the other faces being parallelogram-shaped…
prism n. A transparent block in the shape of a prism (typically with triangular ends), used to split or reflect light.
prism n. A crystal in which the faces are parallel to the vertical axis.
SEISMseism n. A shaking of the Earth’s surface; an earthquake or tremor.
SEISM n. an earthquake.
TUISMtuism n. The theory that all thought is directed to a second person or to one’s future self as such.
TUISM n. the theory that individuals have a second or other self.
ZOISMzoism n. (Dated) Reverence for animal life or belief in animal powers and influences, as among primitive groups.
zoism n. (Dated) A former doctrine claiming that the phenomena of life are due to a peculiar vital principle;…
ZOISM n. the doctrine that life originates from a single vital principle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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