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There are 18 five-letter words containing IRL

BIRLEbirle v. (Scotland, obsolete) To pour a drink (for).
birle v. (Scotland, obsolete) To drink deeply or excessively; carouse.
BIRLE v. to carouse, also BIRL, BYRL.
BIRLSbirls n. Plural of birl.
BIRL v. to spin round.
CHIRLchirl v. (Scotland, intransitive) To emit a low sound; to warble.
chirl n. (Scotland) A kind of musical warble.
CHIRL v. (Scots) to emit a low sound, to warble.
CIRLScirls n. Plural of cirl.
CIRL n. a species of bunting.
DIRLSDIRL v. (Scots) to (cause to) vibrate, also THIRL, TIRL.
GIRLSgirls n. Plural of girl.
girls n. (Slang) A woman’s breasts.
girls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of girl.
GIRLYgirly adj. Characteristic of a stereotypical girl, very effeminate, gentle; unmasculine.
girly adj. (Slang, idiomatic) Of, or pertaining to, a young, attractive woman; especially one who is scantily clad.
girly adj. (Slang) Weak; wussy.
MIRLYMIRLY adj. marbled.
NIRLSnirls n. (Obsolete) herpes.
NIRL v. (Scots) to stunt, shrivel.
NIRLYNIRLY adj. (Scots) knotty, stunted, also NIRLED, NIRLIE, NIRLIT.
PIRLSpirls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pirl.
pirls n. Plural of pirl.
PIRL n. a ripple.
SKIRLskirl v. (Scotland, Northern England) To make a shrill sound, as of bagpipes.
skirl n. (Scotland, Northern England) A shrill sound, as of bagpipes.
SKIRL v. to produce a shrill sound.
SWIRLswirl v. (Transitive, intransitive) To twist or whirl, as an eddy.
swirl v. To be arranged in a twist, spiral or whorl.
swirl v. (Figuratively) To circulate.
THIRLthirl n. (Archaic or dialectal) A hole, an aperture, especially a nostril.
thirl n. (Dialectal) A low door in a dry-stone wall to allow sheep to pass through; a smoot.
thirl n. (Mining, possibly obsolete) A short communication between adits in a mine.
TIRLStirls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tirl.
TIRL v. (Scots) to turn; to rattle, also DIRL, THIRL.
TWIRLtwirl n. A movement where a person spins round elegantly; a pirouette.
twirl n. Any rotating movement; a spin.
twirl n. A little twist of some substance; a swirl.
VIRLSvirls n. Plural of virl.
VIRL n. (Scots) a ferrule.
WHIRLwhirl v. (Intransitive) To rotate, revolve, spin or turn rapidly.
whirl v. (Intransitive) To have a sensation of spinning or reeling.
whirl v. (Transitive) To make something or someone whirl.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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