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There are 17 five-letter words containing IPP

CIPPIcippi n. Plural of cippus.
CIPPUS n. (Latin) a small column marking a burial-place or landmark.
DIPPYdippy adj. (Informal) Lacking common sense.
dippy adj. (Informal) Having romantic feelings for; excited or enthusiastic about.
dippy adj. (UK, informal) Of an egg: cooked so that the yolk remains runny and can be used for dipping.
GIPPYgippy n. Alternative form of gyppy.
GIPPY n. (offensive) a gypsy, also GIPPO, GYPPIE, GYPPO, GYPPY.
HIPPOhippo n. Clipping of hippopotamus.
HiPPO n. (Business) Initialism of highest-paid person’s opinion.
hippo- pref. Horse.
HIPPYhippy n. Alternative spelling of hippie.
hippy adj. Having large or prominent hips.
HIPPY adj. having big hips.
IPPONippon n. (Martial arts, judo) The highest score in judo, awarded for a throw that places the opponent on their…
IPPON n. (Japanese) a winning point for a clean throw in judo.
KIPPAkippa n. Alternative spelling of kippah.
KIPPA n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPAH.
KIPPSKipps prop.n. Plural of Kipp.
KIPP n. (Scots) anything beaked; a pointed hill.
LIPPYlippy adj. (Informal) Having prominent lips.
lippy adj. (Informal) Having a tendency to talk back in a cheeky or impertinent manner.
lippy n. (Uncountable) Lip gloss or lipstick; (countable) a stick of this product.
NIPPYnippy adj. (UK, informal) fast; speedy.
nippy adj. (Informal) Of the weather, rather cold.
nippy adj. Inclined to nip; bitey.
PIPPYpippy adj. Full of pips or seeds.
pippy adj. Small and weak, like a pip-squeak.
pippy n. Alternative form of pippie.
RIPPSRipps prop.n. Plural of Ripp.
RIPP n. (Scots) a plucked handful e.g. of grass, corn.
SIPPYsippy n. (Informal) A little sip; less than a serving of some particular drink.
SIPPY adj. as in sippy cup, an infant's drinking cup.
TIPPYtippy adj. (Obsolete, colloquial or slang) Fashionable, tip-top.
tippy adj. (Obsolete, colloquial or slang, absolute, with the) In the height of fashion, excellent, cool.
tippy adj. (Colloquial or slang) Clever, neat, smart.
YIPPYyippy adj. Making yipping noises.
Yippy n. (US, slang) A yard patrol boat.
YIPPY n. a member of a radical political group founded in 1967 with ideals based on those of the hippies, also YIPPIE.
ZIPPOzippo adj. (Slang) None whatsoever.
zippo v. (Slang) To light on fire.
Zippo n. A reusable lighter.
ZIPPYzippy adj. (Informal) Energetic and lively.
zippy adj. (Informal) Quick, speedy.
ZIPPY adj. full of zip, energy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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