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There are 20 five-letter words containing IMB

BIMBObimbo n. (Derogatory, slang) A physically attractive woman who lacks intelligence.
bimbo n. (Derogatory, slang) A stupid or foolish person.
BIMBO n. (Business) Initialism of buy-in management buyout.
CHIMBchimb n. Alternative form of chine (“edge of a cask; part of a ship; etc.”).
CHIMB n. the rim at the ends of a cask, formed by the ends of the staves.
CLIMBclimb v. (Intransitive) To ascend; rise; to go up.
climb v. (Transitive) To mount; to move upwards on.
climb v. (Transitive) To scale; to get to the top of something.
DIMBOdimbo n. (Britain, slang) A dimwit or idiot.
DIMBO n. an unintelligent person.
HIMBOhimbo n. (Sometimes derogatory, slang) A physically attractive man who lacks intelligence; the male equivalent of a bimbo.
HIMBO n. (offensive) a male bimbo, a superficial, stupid man, who is overly concerned with his looks.
IMBARimbar v. (Obsolete) To bar in; to secure.
IMBAR v. (obsolete) to bar in; to secure, also EMBAR.
IMBEDimbed v. Alternative spelling of embed.
IMBED v. to plant firmly, also EMBED.
IMBUEimbue v. (Transitive) To wet or stain an object completely with some physical quality.
imbue v. In general, to act in a way which results in an object becoming completely permeated or impregnated by some quality.
IMBUE v. to inspire with.
KIMBOkimbo adj. Archaic form of akimbo (“with hands on hips and elbows outward”).
KIMBO v. to set akimbo, also KEMBO.
LIMBAlimba n. A large African tree, Terminalia superba, whose hard wood is used for furniture, table tennis paddles…
LIMBA n. a West African hardwood tree or its timber.
LIMBIlimbi n. Plural of limbus.
LIMBUS n. (Latin) a distinctive border.
LIMBOlimbo n. (Roman Catholicism) The place where innocent souls exist temporarily until they can enter heaven, notably…
limbo n. (By extension) Any in-between place, state or condition of neglect or oblivion which results in an unresolved…
limbo n. (Slang, archaic) A lockup or jail cell.
LIMBSlimbs n. Plural of limb.
limbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of limb.
Limbs prop.n. Plural of Limb.
LIMBYlimby adj. Having many limbs, or branches.
limby n. (Slang) An amputee, especially one who has lost a leg.
LIMBY adj. having many large branches.
NIMBInimbi n. (Rare) plural of nimbus.
NIMBUS n. (Latin) a halo; a type of cloud.
NIMBSnimbs n. Plural of nimb.
NIMB n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree yielding an aromatic oil, also NEEM, NEEMB.
SIMBASimba prop.n. The Western Bolivian Guaraní language, ISO language code GNW.
Simba prop.n. A male given name from Swahili.
SIMBA n. (Swahili) a lion.
TIMBOtimbo n. (Possibly obsolete) The pacara tree, Enterolobium contortisiliquum.
TIMBO n. a South American climbing plant.
ZIMBIzimbi n. (Archaic) A cowrie shell, once used as a form of currency in parts of Africa.
ZIMBI n. (Portuguese) a kind of shell used as money.
ZIMBSzimbs n. Plural of zimb.
ZIMB n. (Amharic) an Ethiopian dipterous insect, also ZEBUB.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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