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There are 9 five-letter words containing IGN

ALIGNalign v. (Intransitive) To form a line; to fall into line.
align v. (Transitive) To adjust or form to a line; to range or form in line; to bring into line.
align v. (Transitive, computing) To store (data) in a way that is consistent with the memory architecture, i…
COIGNcoign n. A projecting corner or angle; a cornerstone.
coign n. The keystone of an arch.
coign n. A wedge used in typesetting.
DEIGNdeign v. (Intransitive) To condescend; to do despite a perceived affront to one’s dignity.
deign v. (Transitive) To condescend to give; to do something.
deign v. (Obsolete) To esteem worthy; to consider worth notice.
EIGNEeigne adj. (Law, obsolete) eldest; firstborn.
eigne adj. (Law, obsolete) entailed; belonging to the eldest son.
EIGNE adj. (archaic) first born.
FEIGNfeign v. To make a false show or pretence of; to counterfeit or simulate.
feign v. To imagine; to invent; to pretend to do something.
feign v. To make an action as if doing one thing, but actually doing another, for example to trick an opponent; to feint.
LIGNELIGNE n. (French) a measure of watch movements.
REIGNreign n. The exercise of sovereign power.
reign n. The period during which a monarch rules.
reign n. The territory or sphere over which a kingdom; empire; realm; dominion, etc. is ruled.
SIGNAsigna n. Plural of signum.
SIGNA v. a verbal instruction: write on the label.
SIGNSsigns n. Plural of sign.
signs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sign.
SIGN v. to write one's name.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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