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There are 11 four-letter words containing ILE

BILEbile n. A bitter brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow secretion produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladder…
bile n. Bitterness of temper; ill humour; irascibility.
bile n. Two of the four humours, black bile or yellow bile, in ancient and medieval physiology.
FILEfile n. A collection of papers collated and archived together.
file n. A roll or list.
file n. Course of thought; thread of narration.
ILEAilea n. Plural of ileum (Compare ilia).
ILEUM n. (Latin) a part of the small intestine.
ILEXilex n. Holm oak (Quercus ilex).
ilex n. Any of the numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Ilex.
Ilex prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Aquifoliaceae – the hollies.
MILEmile n. The international mile: a unit of length precisely equal to 1.609344 kilometers established by treaty…
mile n. Any of several customary units of length derived from the 1593 English statute mile of 8 furlongs, equivalent…
mile n. Any of many customary units of length derived from the Roman mile (mille passus) of 8 stades or 5,000 Roman feet.
PILEpile n. A mass of things heaped together; a heap.
pile n. (Informal) A group or list of related items up for consideration, especially in some kind of selection process.
pile n. A mass formed in layers.
RILErile v. To stir or move from a state of calm or order.
rile v. (In particular) To make angry.
RILE v. to anger.
SILEsile n. (Now chiefly dialectal) A column; pillar.
sile n. (Now chiefly dialectal) A beam; rafter; one of the principal rafters of a building.
sile n. (Now chiefly dialectal) The foot or lower part of a couple or rafter; base.
TILEtile n. A regularly-shaped slab of clay or other material, affixed to cover or decorate a surface, as in a roof-tile…
tile n. (Computing) A rectangular graphic.
tile n. Any of various flat cuboid playing pieces used in certain games, such as dominoes, Scrabble, or mahjong.
VILEvile adj. Morally low; base; despicable.
vile adj. Causing physical or mental repulsion; horrid.
VILE adj. odious.
WILEwile n. (Usually in the plural) A trick or stratagem practiced for ensnaring or deception; a sly, insidious artifice.
wile v. (Transitive) To entice or lure.
wile v. Misspelling of while (“to pass the time”).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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