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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing IOE

ANDRODIOECISMandrodioecism n. The property of being androdioecious.
ANDRODIOECISM n. the state of being androdioecious, having hermaphrodite and male flowers on separate plants.
ANTIOESTROGENantioestrogen n. Alternative form of antiestrogen.
ANTIOESTROGEN n. a drug that inhibits the activity of oestrogens.
BIOECOLOGICALbioecological adj. Relating to bioecology.
BIOECOLOGICAL adj. related to bioecology.
BIOECOLOGISTSbioecologists n. Plural of bioecologist.
BIOECOLOGIST n. a specialist in bioecology.
BIOELECTRICALbioelectrical adj. Pertaining to bioelectricity.
BIOELECTRICAL adj. of or relating to electric phenomena in living organisms, also BIOELECTRIC.
BIOENERGETICSbioenergetics n. (Biology, physics) The study of the energy transformations that take place in living organisms.
bioenergetics n. A form of physical therapy according to which physical movements are a means of releasing emotional stress.
BIOENERGETICS n. the biology of energy transformations and energy exchanges (as in photosynthesis) within and between living things and their environments.
BIOENGINEEREDbioengineered adj. Produced, or modified, by bioengineering.
BIOENGINEER v. to engineer life-forms.
BIOEQUIVALENTbioequivalent adj. Describing the equivalence of multiple formulations of a drug in terms of bioavailability.
bioequivalent n. A formulation of a drug that is equivalent, in terms of bioavailability, to some other formulation.
DIOECIOUSNESSdioeciousness n. (Biology) The state or quality of being dioecious.
DIOECIOUS n. having male and female sexual organs in different individuals, also DIECIOUS, DIOICOUS.
GYNODIOECIOUSgynodioecious adj. (Botany) dioecious, but having some hermaphrodite or perfect flowers on an individual plant which bears…
GYNODIOECIOUS adj. having hermaphrodite and female flowers on different plants.
GYNODIOECISMSGYNODIOECISM n. the state of being gynodioecious.
RADIOELEMENTSradioelements n. Plural of radioelement.
RADIOELEMENT n. a radioactive element.
SOCIOECONOMICsocioeconomic adj. Alternative form of socio-economic.
socio-economic adj. Of or pertaining to a combination of social and economic factors.
SOCIOECONOMIC adj. of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and economic factors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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