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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing IMN

CHIMNEYLIKEchimneylike adj. Resembling a chimney, especially in shape.
CHIMNEYLIKE adj. like a chimney.
CHIMNEYPOTSchimneypots n. Plural of chimneypot.
chimney␣pots n. Plural of chimney pot.
CHIMNEYPOT n. the pot on a chimney.
EPILIMNIONSepilimnions n. Plural of epilimnion.
EPILIMNION n. the upper, warm layer of water in a lake.
HYPOLIMNIONhypolimnion n. (Geography) The perpetually cold layer of water that lies beneath the thermocline of a thermally stratified lake.
HYPOLIMNION n. a lower and colder layer of water in a lake.
LIMNOLOGIESlimnologies n. Plural of limnology.
LIMNOLOGY n. the study of bodies of fresh water.
LIMNOLOGISTlimnologist n. A specialist in limnology.
LIMNOLOGIST n. one who studies limnology, the study of bodies of fresh water.
PARALIMNIONPARALIMNION n. the region of a lake floor between the shoreline or water's edge and the zone of rooted vegetation.
SLIMNASTICSslimnastics n. A form of athletic exercise intended to promote weight loss.
SLIMNASTICS n. exercises designed to reduce one's weight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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