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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing INL

DRAINLAYERDRAINLAYER n. (New Zealand) one whose job is to lay drains.
GAINLINESSgainliness n. The condition of being gainly.
GAINLINESS n. the state of being gainly.
MAINLANDERmainlander n. Someone who lives on the mainland.
mainlander n. A person from mainland China, as opposed to someone from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan.
mainlander n. Someone who lives in mainland Europe, as opposed to the British Isles.
MAINLINERSmainliners n. Plural of mainliner.
MAINLINER n. one who takes a narcotic intravenously.
MAINLININGmainlining v. Present participle of mainline.
MAINLINING n. the act of injecting drugs intravenously.
PAINLESSLYpainlessly adv. In a painless manner.
PAINLESS adv. without pain.
SHINLEAVESshinleaves n. Plural of shinleaf.
SHINLEAF n. a perennial herb.
TRAINLOADStrainloads n. Plural of trainload.
TRAINLOAD n. what a train can carry.
UNGAINLIERungainlier adj. Comparative form of ungainly: more ungainly.
UNGAINLY adj. clumsy, also UNGAIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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