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There are 12 words containing HEMERAL

AHEMERALahemeral adj. (Biology) Cyclical, with a period not equal to 24 hours.
AHEMERAL adj. not being a full 24 hour day.
EPHEMERALephemeral n. Something which lasts for a short period of time.
ephemeral adj. Lasting for a short period of time.
ephemeral adj. (Biology) Existing for only one day, as with some flowers, insects, and diseases.
EPHEMERALSephemerals n. Plural of ephemeral.
EPHEMERAL n. a creature, such as a mayfly, that lives for one day only.
EPHEMERALLYephemerally adv. In an ephemeral manner.
ephemerally adv. Regarding ephemera.
EPHEMERAL adv. existing only for a day, or short period.
HEMERALOPIAhemeralopia n. (Medicine) The inability to see clearly in bright light; day blindness.
hemeralopia n. (Medicine, archaic) Night blindness.
HEMERALOPIA n. the condition of seeing well at night or in partial darkness, while the day sight is poor.
HEMERALOPIChemeralopic adj. (Medicine) Unable to see clearly in bright light; day-blind; suffering from hemeralopia.
HEMERALOPIC adj. relating to hemeralopia.
EPHEMERALITYephemerality n. (Uncountable) The state or condition of being ephemeral; transience.
ephemerality n. (Countable) Something that is ephemeral.
EPHEMERALITY n. the state of being ephemeral.
HEMERALOPIAShemeralopias n. Plural of hemeralopia.
HEMERALOPIA n. the condition of seeing well at night or in partial darkness, while the day sight is poor.
NYCHTHEMERALnychthemeral adj. Lasting a nychthemeron (24 hours).
NYCHTHEMERAL adj. (Greek) of or relating to a nychthemeron or 24-hour period.
EPHEMERALNESSephemeralness n. The quality of being ephemeral or transitory.
EPHEMERAL n. existing only for a day, or short period.
EPHEMERALITIESephemeralities n. Plural of ephemerality.
EPHEMERALITY n. the state of being ephemeral.
EPHEMERALNESSESEPHEMERALNESS n. EPHEMERAL, existing only for a day, or short period.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 16 words

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