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There are 17 words containing HIPPIE

HIPPIEhippie n. (1950s slang) A teenager who imitated the beatniks.
hippie n. (1960s slang; still widely used in reference to that era) One who chooses not to conform to prevailing…
hippie n. (Modern slang) A person who keeps an unkempt or sloppy appearance and has unusually long hair (for males)…
CHIPPIEchippie n. Alternative spelling of chippy.
chippie n. (US, slang) An officer of the California Highway Patrol. See CHiP.
CHIPPIE n. (colloquial) a carpenter.
HIPPIERhippier adj. Comparative form of hippy: more hippy.
hippier adj. Comparative form of hippie: more hippie.
HIPPY adj. having big hips.
HIPPIEShippies n. Plural of hippie.
hippies n. Plural of hippy.
HIPPIE n. a nonconformist, also HIPPY.
SHIPPIESHIPPIE n. (New Zealand) a prostitute who solicits at ports.
CHIPPIERchippier adj. Comparative form of chippy: more chippy.
CHIPPY adj. belligerent.
CHIPPIESchippies n. Plural of chippy.
chippies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chippy.
CHIPPIE n. (colloquial) a carpenter.
HIPPIESThippiest adj. Superlative form of hippy: most hippy.
hippiest adj. Superlative form of hippie: most hippie.
HIPPY adj. having big hips.
SHIPPIESSHIPPIE n. (New Zealand) a prostitute who solicits at ports.
WHIPPIERwhippier adj. Comparative form of whippy: more whippy.
WHIPPY adj. pliant, supple.
CHIPPIESTchippiest adj. Superlative form of chippy: most chippy.
CHIPPY adj. belligerent.
HIPPIEDOMhippiedom n. The state or quality of being a hippie.
HIPPIEDOM n. the world of the hippie, also HIPPYDOM.
HIPPIEISHhippieish adj. Alternative spelling of hippyish.
HIPPIEISH adj. like a hippie.
WHIPPIESTwhippiest adj. Superlative form of whippy: most whippy.
WHIPPY adj. pliant, supple.
HIPPIEDOMSHIPPIEDOM n. the world of the hippie, also HIPPYDOM.
HIPPIENESShippieness n. (Informal) Alternative form of hippiness.
HIPPIENESS n. the state of being a hippie.
HIPPIENESSESHIPPIENESS n. the state of being a hippie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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