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There are 14 words containing HERMET

HERMETIChermetic adj. (Chiefly capitalized, Greek mythology) Pertaining ancient Greek Olympian God Hermes.
hermetic adj. (Chiefly capitalized) Pertaining to Hermes Trismegistus or the writings attributed to him.
hermetic adj. (Chiefly capitalized) One who follows/worships Hermes.
HERMETICALhermetical adj. Alternative form of hermetic.
HERMETICAL adj. of or relating to sorcery or alchemy, also HERMETIC.
HERMETICALLYhermetically adv. With a hermetic seal; so as to be airtight.
hermetically adv. In a hermetic manner; isolatedly.
HERMETICAL adv. of or relating to sorcery or alchemy, also HERMETIC.
HERMETICISMhermeticism n. Hermetic philosophy or practice; hermetics.
HERMETICISM n. a system of ideas based on hermetic teachings, also HERMETISM.
HERMETICISMShermeticisms n. Plural of hermeticism.
HERMETICISM n. a system of ideas based on hermetic teachings, also HERMETISM.
HERMETICITIEShermeticities n. Plural of hermeticity.
HERMETICITY n. the state of being hermetic.
HERMETICITYhermeticity n. The condition of being hermetic (airtight).
HERMETICITY n. the state of being hermetic.
HERMETICShermetics n. Hermetic philosophy or practice.
HERMETICS n. the philosophy contained in the Hermetic Books, esoteric alchemy.
HERMETISMhermetism n. Alternative form of hermeticism.
HERMETISM n. a system of ideas based on hermetic teachings, also HERMETICISM.
HERMETISMShermetisms n. Plural of hermetism.
HERMETISM n. a system of ideas based on hermetic teachings, also HERMETICISM.
HERMETISThermetist n. Alternative form of hermeticist.
HERMETIST n. an adherent of hermetism, a system of ideas based on hermetic teachings.
HERMETISTShermetists n. Plural of hermetist.
HERMETIST n. an adherent of hermetism, a system of ideas based on hermetic teachings.
THERMETTEthermette n. (New Zealand) A portable device for efficiently boiling water outdoors using small combustible materials…
THERMETTE n. (tradename) a device, used outdoors, for boiling water rapidly.
THERMETTESthermettes n. Plural of thermette.
THERMETTE n. (tradename) a device, used outdoors, for boiling water rapidly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 25 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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