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There are 17 words containing HERMEN

FISHERMENfishermen n. Plural of fisherman.
FISHERMAN n. one who catches fish.
WASHERMENwashermen n. Plural of washerman.
WASHERMAN n. a man who washes clothes, esp. for hire, or for others.
LEATHERMENleathermen n. Plural of leatherman.
TELPHERMENTELPHERMAN n. a man who works on a telpher system, a contrivance for the conveyance of vehicles or loads by means of electricity.
WEATHERMENweathermen n. Plural of weatherman.
Weathermen n. Plural of Weatherman.
WEATHERMAN n. one who reports and forecasts the weather.
HERMENEUTIChermeneutic adj. That explains, interprets, illustrates or elucidates.
hermeneutic n. A particular method of interpretation of text, especially holy texts.
HERMENEUTIC adj. interpretive or explanatory, also HERMENEUTICAL.
TRENCHERMENtrenchermen n. Plural of trencherman.
trencher-men n. Plural of trencher-man.
TRENCHERMAN n. a hearty eater.
DECIPHERMENTdecipherment n. The analysis of documents written in ancient languages, where the language is unknown, or knowledge…
decipherment n. Decryption.
DECIPHERMENT n. the act of deciphering.
ENCIPHERMENTencipherment n. The act or process of enciphering; encryption.
ENCIPHERMENT n. the act of enciphering.
HERMENEUTICShermeneutics n. The study or theory of the methodical interpretation of text, especially holy texts.
HERMENEUTICS n. the study of the methodological principles of interpretation.
HERMENEUTISThermeneutist n. One versed in hermeneutics.
HERMENEUTIST n. an exponent of hermeneutics, an interpreter.
DECIPHERMENTSdecipherments n. Plural of decipherment.
DECIPHERMENT n. the act of deciphering.
ENCIPHERMENTSencipherments n. Plural of encipherment.
ENCIPHERMENT n. the act of enciphering.
HERMENEUTICALhermeneutical adj. Of or pertaining to hermeneutics, the study or theory of the methodical interpretation of text, especially holy texts.
HERMENEUTICAL adj. interpretive or explanatory, also HERMENEUTIC.
HERMENEUTISTShermeneutists n. Plural of hermeneutist.
HERMENEUTIST n. an exponent of hermeneutics, an interpreter.
SPORTFISHERMENsportfishermen n. Plural of sportfisherman.
SPORTFISHERMAN n. a motorboat equipped for sportfishing.
HERMENEUTICALLYhermeneutically adv. In a hermeneutical way.
HERMENEUTICAL adv. interpretive or explanatory, also HERMENEUTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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