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There are 18 words containing HYTOL

EPIPHYTOLOGIESEPIPHYTOLOGY n. the study of epiphytes.
EPIPHYTOLOGYepiphytology n. Study of epiphytes and their ecology.
EPIPHYTOLOGY n. the study of epiphytes.
PALAEOPHYTOLOGYpalaeophytology n. Alternative form of paleophytology.
PALAEOPHYTOLOGY n. the study of fossil plants, palaeobotany.
PHYTOLphytol n. (Organic chemistry) The diterpenoid alcohol (2E,7R,11R)-3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol, derived…
PHYTOL n. a chemical alcohol that comes from plants and is used to synthesize vitamins E and K.
PHYTOLITHphytolith n. A small particle of silica or mineral that occurs in many plants.
PHYTOLITH n. a microscopic particle in plants.
PHYTOLITHSphytoliths n. Plural of phytolith.
PHYTOLITH n. a microscopic particle in plants.
PHYTOLOGICALphytological adj. Of or relating to phytology.
PHYTOLOGICAL adj. relating to phytology, botany.
PHYTOLOGICALLYphytologically adv. In terms of phytology.
PHYTOLOGICAL adv. relating to phytology, botany.
PHYTOLOGIESphytologies n. Plural of phytology.
PHYTOLOGY n. the study of plants.
PHYTOLOGISTphytologist n. One skilled in phytology; a writer on plants; a botanist.
PHYTOLOGIST n. a botanist.
PHYTOLOGISTSphytologists n. Plural of phytologist.
PHYTOLOGIST n. a botanist.
PHYTOLOGYphytology n. (Biology) the study of plants; botany.
PHYTOLOGY n. the study of plants.
PHYTOLSphytols n. Plural of phytol.
PHYTOL n. a chemical alcohol that comes from plants and is used to synthesize vitamins E and K.
ZOOPHYTOLOGICALzoophytological adj. Of or pertaining to zoophytology.
ZOOPHYTOLOGICAL adj. relating to zoophytology.
ZOOPHYTOLOGIESZOOPHYTOLOGY n. the study of zoophytes, plantlike animals.
ZOOPHYTOLOGISTzoophytologist n. One who studies zoophytology.
ZOOPHYTOLOGIST n. one who studies zoophytes.
ZOOPHYTOLOGISTSzoophytologists n. Plural of zoophytologist.
ZOOPHYTOLOGIST n. one who studies zoophytes.
ZOOPHYTOLOGYzoophytology n. The natural history of zoophytes.
zoöphytology n. Archaic spelling of zoophytology.
ZOOPHYTOLOGY n. the study of zoophytes, plantlike animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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