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There are 15 words containing HORET

ANCHORETanchoret n. Alternative spelling of anchorite.
ANCHORET n. one who lives in seclusion, usually for religious reasons, also ANCHORITE.
PHORETICphoretic adj. Of or pertaining to phoresis or to phoronts.
PHORETIC adj. relating to phoresy, an association in which one animal clings to another to ensure movement from place to place, as some mites use insects.
ANCHORETSanchorets n. Plural of anchoret.
ANCHORET n. one who lives in seclusion, usually for religious reasons, also ANCHORITE.
ANCHORETICanchoretic adj. Relating to an anchoret or hermit.
ANCHORETIC adj. of or like an anchoret, also ANCHORETICAL.
ANCHORETTEANCHORETTE n. a young inexperienced anchorwoman.
PHOSPHORETphosphoret n. A compound of phosphorus that does not include oxygen.
PHOSPHORET n. (obsolete) a phosphide, also PHOSPHURET.
ANCHORETTESANCHORETTE n. a young inexperienced anchorwoman.
DIAPHORETICdiaphoretic adj. (Pharmacology) Generating sweat or perspiration.
diaphoretic n. (Pharmacology) A product or agent which induces or promotes perspiration.
DIAPHORETIC adj. promoting sweating.
PHOSPHORETSphosphorets n. Plural of phosphoret.
PHOSPHORET n. (obsolete) a phosphide, also PHOSPHURET.
ANCHORETICALanchoretical adj. Anchoretic.
ANCHORETICAL adj. of or like an anchoret, also ANCHORETIC.
CATAPHORETICcataphoretic adj. Relating to cataphoresis.
CATAPHORETIC adj. relating to cataphoresis, the movement, due to application of electricity, of particles through a fluid.
DIAPHORETICSdiaphoretics n. Plural of diaphoretic.
DIAPHORETIC n. a drug having the power to increase perspiration.
IONTOPHORETICiontophoretic adj. Of or pertaining to iontophoresis.
IONTOPHORETIC adj. relating to iontophoresis.
ELECTROPHORETICelectrophoretic adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by electrophoresis.
ELECTROPHORETIC adj. relating to electrophoresis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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