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There are 20 words containing HOOLI

DESCHOOLINGdeschooling n. The process of adjusting to the non-school environment of everyday life after leaving the education system.
deschooling n. The concept, or belief that a formal education system is counter-productive to the education of young people.
DESCHOOLING n. the freeing of children from the constraints of traditional learning.
DESCHOOLINGSDESCHOOLING n. the freeing of children from the constraints of traditional learning.
DHOOLIESdhoolies n. Plural of dhoolie.
dhoolies n. Plural of dhooly.
DHOOLY n. (Hindi) a litter or palanquin, also DOOLEE, DOOLIE, DOOLY.
HOMESCHOOLINGhomeschooling n. Teaching children at home instead of sending them to school.
home␣schooling v. Present participle of home school.
HOMESCHOOL v. to teach school subjects to one's children at home.
HOOLICANHOOLICAN n. (Gaelic) a Highland reel, esp. the reel of Tulloch, also HOOLACHAN.
HOOLICANSHOOLICAN n. (Gaelic) a Highland reel, esp. the reel of Tulloch, also HOOLACHAN.
HOOLIEhoolie n. (Slang) A hooligan.
hoolie n. A very strong wind.
hoolie n. (Scotland) A celebration.
HOOLIERHOOLY adj. soft and careful.
HOOLIEShoolies n. Plural of hoolie.
HOOLIE n. a lively party, also HOOLEY, HOOLY.
HOOLIESTHOOLY adj. soft and careful.
HOOLIGANhooligan n. (Informal, derogatory) A person who causes trouble or violence.
hooligan n. Ellipsis of football hooligan..
hooligan n. (Navy slang, derogatory) A member of the coast guard.
HOOLIGANISMhooliganism n. Unruly, aggressive behavior; behavior associated with hooligans.
HOOLIGANISM n. rowdy, violent, or destructive behavior.
HOOLIGANISMShooliganisms n. Plural of hooliganism.
HOOLIGANISM n. rowdy, violent, or destructive behavior.
HOOLIGANShooligans n. Plural of hooligan.
HOOLIGAN n. a street tough.
RESCHOOLINGreschooling v. Present participle of reschool.
RESCHOOL v. to school again.
SCHOOLIEschoolie n. (Australia) A senior school student, especially a school-leaver, engaged in unsupervised celebrations…
schoolie n. (Australia) A schoolteacher.
schoolie n. (UK, military) An education officer.
SCHOOLIESschoolies n. Plural of schoolie.
schoolies n. (Australia) Clipping of schoolies week.
SCHOOLIE n. (Australian slang) a schoolteacher or high-school student.
SCHOOLINGschooling n. Training or instruction.
schooling n. Institutional education; attendance of school.
schooling n. (Dressage) The training of a horse at dressage.
SCHOOLINGSschoolings n. Plural of schooling.
SCHOOLING n. tuition.
SHOOLINGshooling v. Present participle of shool.
SHOOL v. (dialect) to saunter, skulk, also SHOOLE, SHULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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