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There are 18 words containing HONIA

APHONIAaphonia n. (Medicine) Loss of voice; the inability to speak.
APHONIA n. loss of voice.
MAHONIAmahonia n. Any of the genus Mahonia (now often included in Berberis) of evergreen shrubs.
Mahonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Berberidaceae – certain barberries, now often included in Berberis.
MAHONIA n. a shrub of the barberry family, with yellow flowers and prickly pinnate leaves.
APHONIASaphonias n. Plural of aphonia.
APHONIA n. loss of voice.
EUPHONIAeuphonia n. Any of the birds of the genus Euphonia.
euphonia n. Euphony.
Euphonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fringillidae.
MAHONIASmahonias n. Plural of mahonia.
MAHONIA n. a shrub of the barberry family, with yellow flowers and prickly pinnate leaves.
TITHONIAtithonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Tithonia of flowering plants in the sunflower tribe (Heliantheae) within the…
TITHONIA n. a tall herb.
CHTHONIANchthonian adj. Pertaining to the underworld; being beneath the earth.
chthonian n. A dweller in the mythical underworld.
CHTHONIAN adj. pertaining to the earth or the underworld, also CHTHONIC.
DANTHONIAdanthonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Danthonia of Eurasian, North African, and American grasses.
DANTHONIA n. a tufted grass native to Australia and New Zealand.
DYSPHONIAdysphonia n. (Medicine) A difficulty in producing vocal sounds.
DYSPHONIA n. physical abnormality causing speech impediment.
EUPHONIASeuphonias n. Plural of euphonia.
EUPHONIA n. an agreeable sound, also EUPHONY.
TITHONIAStithonias n. Plural of tithonia.
TITHONIA n. a tall herb.
TYPHONIANTyphonian adj. Of or relating to Typhon or, by interpretatio graeca, his Egyptian equivalent Set.
TYPHONIAN adj. relating to a whirlwind.
DANTHONIASdanthonias n. Plural of danthonia.
DANTHONIA n. a tufted grass native to Australia and New Zealand.
DYSPHONIASdysphonias n. Plural of dysphonia.
DYSPHONIA n. physical abnormality causing speech impediment.
PARAPHONIAparaphonia n. (Music) In Byzantine music, a melodic progression by consonances (fourths and fifths).
paraphonia n. (Medicine) An abnormal condition or alteration of the voice, as at puberty.
PARAPHONIA n. alteration of the voice; as at puberty.
PARAPHONIASPARAPHONIA n. alteration of the voice; as at puberty.
RHINOPHONIArhinophonia n. (Medicine) nasalised voice.
RHINOPHONIA n. a nasal tone to the voice which is caused by a defect in the nasal passages.
RHINOPHONIASRHINOPHONIA n. a nasal tone to the voice which is caused by a defect in the nasal passages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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