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There are 15 words containing HOMOC

HOMOCENTRIChomocentric adj. (Geometry) Having the same centre.
homocentric adj. Focused on human beings; anthropocentric.
homocentric adj. (LGBT) Having a homosexual bias or basis.
HOMOCENTRICALLYHOMOCENTRIC adv. having the same central or focal point.
HOMOCERCALhomocercal adj. (Ichthyology) Describing the symmetric tail of a fish that has two lobes extending from the end of the…
HOMOCERCAL adj. of fishes, having the upper and lower lobes of the tailfin alike.
HOMOCERCIESHOMOCERCY n. the condition in fish of having a symmetrical tail.
HOMOCERCYhomocercy n. (Zoology) The possession of a homocercal tail.
HOMOCERCY n. the condition in fish of having a symmetrical tail.
HOMOCHLAMYDEOUShomochlamydeous adj. (Botany) Having the perianth not divided into calyx and corolla.
HOMOCHLAMYDEOUS adj. with calyx and corolla similar.
HOMOCHROMATIChomochromatic adj. Synonym of monochromatic.
HOMOCHROMATIC adj. monochromatic.
HOMOCHROMATISMHOMOCHROMATISM n. the state of being homochromatic.
HOMOCHROMATISMSHOMOCHROMATISM n. the state of being homochromatic.
HOMOCHROMIESHOMOCHROMY n. protective coloration.
HOMOCHROMOUShomochromous adj. (Botany) Having all the florets in the same flower head of the same colour.
HOMOCHROMOUS adj. monochromatic.
HOMOCHROMYhomochromy n. (Zoology) The use, by an organism, of the same colour as its background as a means of protection.
HOMOCHROMY n. protective coloration.
HOMOCYCLIChomocyclic adj. (Chemistry) describing a cyclic system in which all the atoms of the ring are of the same element.
HOMOCYCLIC adj. having a closed chain of similar atoms.
HOMOCYSTEINEhomocysteine n. (Biochemistry) An amino acid which is monitored in the blood to estimate risk of cardiovascular disease.
HOMOCYSTEINE n. a kind of amino acid.
HOMOCYSTEINEShomocysteines n. Plural of homocysteine.
HOMOCYSTEINE n. a kind of amino acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 106 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 44 words

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