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There are 15 words containing HOIDS

TYPHOIDStyphoids n. Plural of typhoid.
TYPHOID n. an infectious disease.
XIPHOIDSxiphoids n. Plural of xiphoid.
XIPHOID n. the xiphoid process or xiphisternum.
CONCHOIDSconchoids n. Plural of conchoid.
CONCHOID n. a type of geometric curve.
PSYCHOIDSpsychoids n. Plural of psychoid.
PSYCHOID n. the hypothetical regulative principle controlling the behaviour of an organism.
SCAPHOIDSscaphoids n. Plural of scaphoid.
SCAPHOID n. a boat-shaped bone in the wrist.
TROCHOIDStrochoids n. Plural of trochoid.
TROCHOID n. a geometric curve traced by a fixed point in plane of a circle.
EUNUCHOIDSeunuchoids n. Plural of eunuchoid.
EUNUCHOID n. a eunuchoid person.
STROPHOIDSstrophoids n. Plural of strophoid.
STROPHOID n. a type of curve on a graph.
HEMORRHOIDShemorrhoids n. Plural of hemorrhoid.
HEMORRHOID n. the dilatation of a vein around the anus, piles, also HAEMORRHOID.
EPITROCHOIDSepitrochoids n. Plural of epitrochoid.
EPITROCHOID n. a curve like an epicycloid but generated by any point on a radius.
FELSPATHOIDSfelspathoids n. Plural of felspathoid.
FELSPATHOID n. any mineral of a group related to feldspar, also FELDSPATHOID, FOID.
HAEMORRHOIDShaemorrhoids n. A pathological condition caused by painful masses of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue.
haemorrhoids n. Plural of haemorrhoid.
hæmorrhoids n. Plural of hæmorrhoid.
PARATYPHOIDSparatyphoids n. Plural of paratyphoid.
PARATYPHOID n. a disease resembling typhoid but caused by different bacillus.
FELDSPATHOIDSfeldspathoids n. Plural of feldspathoid.
FELDSPATHOID n. any mineral of a group related to feldspar, also FELSPATHOID, FOID.
HYPOTROCHOIDShypotrochoids n. Plural of hypotrochoid.
HYPOTROCHOID n. the curve traced by a point on the radius, or radius produced, of a circle rolling within another circle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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