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There are 16 words containing HIMER

CHIMERchimer n. A bell that chimes.
chimer n. A person who rings chimes on bells.
chimer n. Alternative form of chimere (“bishop’s robe”).
CHIMERAchimera n. (Greek mythology) Alternative letter-case form of Chimera, a supposed monster in Lycia with the head…
chimera n. (Mythology, art) Any fantastic creature combining parts from different animals.
chimera n. (Figurative) A foolish, incongruous, or vain thought or product of the imagination.
CHIMEREchimere n. (Ecclesiastical) The upper robe worn by some bishops of the Anglican communion, usually without sleeves.
chimere n. Obsolete form of chimera.
CHIMERE n. (French) a loose sleeveless robe worn by Anglican bishops, also CHIMAR, CHIMER.
CHIMERSchimers n. Plural of chimer.
CHIMER n. a loose sleeveless robe worn by Anglican bishops, also CHIMAR, CHIMERE.
CHIMERASchimeras n. Plural of chimera.
CHIMERA n. (Greek) a mythical or genetic hybrid, also CHIMAERA.
CHIMERESchimeres n. Plural of chimere.
CHIMERE n. (French) a loose sleeveless robe worn by Anglican bishops, also CHIMAR, CHIMER.
CHIMERICchimeric adj. Like a chimera.
chimeric adj. Imaginary, fanciful.
chimeric adj. (Genetics) Pertaining to a genetic chimera.
CHIMERIDchimerid n. Alternative form of chimaerid.
CHIMERID n. a fish of the genus Chimaera.
CHIMERIDSchimerids n. Plural of chimerid.
CHIMERID n. a fish of the genus Chimaera.
CHIMERISMchimerism n. (Genetics) The property of being a genetic chimera.
CHIMERISM n. the state of being or creating a genetic chimaera, also CHIMAERISM.
CHIMERICALchimerical adj. Of or pertaining to a chimera.
chimerical adj. Being a figment of the imagination; fantastic (in the archaic sense).
chimerical adj. Inherently fantastic; wildly fanciful.
CHIMERISMSchimerisms n. Plural of chimerism.
CHIMERISM n. the state of being or creating a genetic chimaera, also CHIMAERISM.
THIMEROSALthimerosal n. US standard form of thiomersal.
THIMEROSAL n. a cream-coloured crystalline water-soluble powder, used on the skin to treat minor abrasions.
THIMEROSALSTHIMEROSAL n. a cream-coloured crystalline water-soluble powder, used on the skin to treat minor abrasions.
CHIMERICALLYchimerically adv. In a chimerical manner.
CHIMERICAL adv. of the nature of a chimaera; imaginary, fanciful, visionary, also CHIMAERIC, CHIMERIC.
CHIMERICALNESSCHIMERICAL n. of the nature of a chimaera; imaginary, fanciful, visionary, also CHIMAERIC, CHIMERIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 58 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 28 words

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