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There are 10 words containing HIAZI

THIAZINthiazin n. Alternative form of thiazine.
THIAZIN n. any of a group of organic compounds containing four carbon atoms, one sulphur and one nitrogen atom, also THIAZINE.
THIAZIDEthiazide n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of sulfur-containing drugs that increase the excretion of sodium and chloride…
-thiazide suff. (Pharmacology) A thiazide derivative used as a diuretic.
THIAZIDE n. a drug used to treat high blood pressure.
THIAZINEthiazine n. (Organic chemistry) A six-membered heterocycle containing four carbon atoms, one nitrogen and one sulfur…
THIAZINE n. any of a group of organic compounds containing four carbon atoms, one sulphur and one nitrogen atom, also THIAZIN.
THIAZINSthiazins n. Plural of thiazin.
THIAZIN n. any of a group of organic compounds containing four carbon atoms, one sulphur and one nitrogen atom, also THIAZINE.
THIAZIDESthiazides n. Plural of thiazide.
THIAZIDE n. a drug used to treat high blood pressure.
THIAZINESthiazines n. Plural of thiazine.
THIAZINE n. any of a group of organic compounds containing four carbon atoms, one sulphur and one nitrogen atom, also THIAZIN.
PHENOTHIAZINEphenothiazine n. (Organic chemistry) A polycyclic heterocycle consisting of two benzene rings fused to one of thiazine;…
phenothiazine n. (Medicine) Any of a family of pharmaceuticals, derived from this compound, used to treat schizophrenia etc.
PHENOTHIAZINE n. a crystalline compound used as an anthelmintic and insecticide esp. in veterinary practice.
CHLOROTHIAZIDEchlorothiazide n. (Medicine) A thiazide diuretic used in the treatment of hypertension and other conditions.
CHLOROTHIAZIDE n. a thiazide diuretic used esp. in the treatment of edema and hypertension.
PHENOTHIAZINESphenothiazines n. Plural of phenothiazine.
PHENOTHIAZINE n. a crystalline compound used as an anthelmintic and insecticide esp. in veterinary practice.
CHLOROTHIAZIDESchlorothiazides n. Plural of chlorothiazide.
CHLOROTHIAZIDE n. a thiazide diuretic used esp. in the treatment of edema and hypertension.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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