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There are 15 words containing HAMPE

HAMPERhamper n. A large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles or small animals.
hamper n. (Uncommon outside New England) A wicker or plastic basket specifically for holding laundry (from clothes…
hamper n. (UK) A gift basket.
CHAMPEDchamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of champ.
CHAMP v. to chew noisily.
CHAMPERchamper n. One who champs (bites or chews).
champer n. One who engages in champing, in the sense of camping in churches.
CHAMPER n. one who champs, or bites.
HAMPERShampers n. Plural of hamper.
hampers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hamper.
HAMPER v. to hinder, obstruct.
CHAMPERSchampers n. (Informal) Champagne (wine).
champers n. Plural of champer.
CHAMPER n. one who champs, or bites.
HAMPEREDhampered v. Simple past tense and past participle of hamper.
hampered adj. Impeded or encumbered as if chained or fettered.
HAMPER v. to hinder, obstruct.
HAMPERERhamperer n. One who hampers or hinders.
HAMPERER n. one who hampers.
CHAMPERTYchamperty n. (Law) The investing of money into an individual’s lawsuit.
CHAMPERTY n. an illegal contract to finance a lawsuit for a percentage fee.
HAMPERERShamperers n. Plural of hamperer.
HAMPERER n. one who hampers.
HAMPERINGhampering v. Present participle of hamper.
hampering n. That which hampers; an impediment.
HAMPER v. to hinder, obstruct.
UNHAMPEREDunhampered adj. Not hampered.
UNHAMPERED adj. not hampered.
CHAMPERTIESchamperties n. Plural of champerty.
CHAMPERTY n. an illegal contract to finance a lawsuit for a percentage fee.
CHAMPERTOUSchampertous adj. Having the quality of champerty; being an instance of champerty.
CHAMPERTOUS adj. relating to champerty, an illegal contract to finance a lawsuit for a percentage fee.
HAMPEREDNESSHAMPEREDNESS n. the state of being hampered.
HAMPEREDNESSESHAMPEREDNESS n. the state of being hampered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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