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There are 15 words containing HALOM

SHALOMshalom interj. A traditional Jewish greeting or farewell.
shalom n. (Countable) The traditional Jewish greeting of "shalom".
shalom n. (Judaism, uncountable) Peace. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
SHALOMSshaloms n. Plural of shalom.
shaloms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shalom.
Shaloms prop.n. Plural of Shalom.
ENCEPHALOMAencephaloma n. (Medicine, dated) A tumor of the brain.
encephaloma n. (Medicine, dated) Encephaloid carcinoma.
ENCEPHALOMA n. a brain tumour.
HALOMORPHIChalomorphic adj. Of soil: containing enough salt to affect plant growth.
HALOMORPHIC adj. developed in the presence of neutral or alkali salts or both.
CEPHALOMETERcephalometer n. An instrument for measuring the head.
cephalometer n. A device for positioning the head, and holding it steady, for an X-ray or surgery; a cephalostat.
CEPHALOMETER n. an instrument for positioning the human head for X-ray examination in cephalometry.
CEPHALOMETRYcephalometry n. The measurement of the head, especially in order to study growth, development, and disease.
CEPHALOMETRY n. the science of measuring the head in living individuals.
ENCEPHALOMASencephalomas n. Plural of encephaloma.
ENCEPHALOMA n. a brain tumour.
OMPHALOMANCYomphalomancy n. Divination by means of a child’s navel, to learn how many children the mother may have.
OMPHALOMANCY n. predicting the number of children a mother will bear by counting the knots in her firstborn's umbilical cord.
CEPHALOMETERScephalometers n. Plural of cephalometer.
CEPHALOMETER n. an instrument for positioning the human head for X-ray examination in cephalometry.
CEPHALOMETRICcephalometric adj. Relating to cephalometrics.
CEPHALOMETRIC adj. relating to cephalometry.
ENCEPHALOMATAencephalomata n. Plural of encephaloma.
ENCEPHALOMA n. a brain tumour.
CEPHALOMETRIEScephalometries n. Plural of cephalometry.
CEPHALOMETRY n. the science of measuring the head in living individuals.
OMPHALOMANCIESOMPHALOMANCY n. predicting the number of children a mother will bear by counting the knots in her firstborn's umbilical cord.
TRIHALOMETHANEtrihalomethane n. (Organic chemistry) Any of many halogenated derivatives of methane containing three (not always the…
TRIHALOMETHANE n. any of various derivatives of methane such as chloroform, that have three halogen atoms per molecule and are formed esp. during the chlorination of drinking water.
TRIHALOMETHANEStrihalomethanes n. Plural of trihalomethane.
TRIHALOMETHANE n. any of various derivatives of methane such as chloroform, that have three halogen atoms per molecule and are formed esp. during the chlorination of drinking water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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