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There are 15 nine-letter words containing HORES

ANCHORESSanchoress n. A female anchorite. A woman who chooses to withdraw from the world to live a solitary life of prayer…
anchoress n. (Informal) An anchorwoman.
ANCHORESS n. a female anchorite, one who lives in seclusion, usually for religious reasons, also ANCRESS.
AUTHORESSauthoress n. (Dated) A female author.
AUTHORESS n. a female author.
BIOPHORESbiophores n. Plural of biophore.
BIOPHORE n. a hypothetical unit of living matter, also BIOPHOR.
CAMWHOREScamwhores n. Plural of camwhore.
camwhores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of camwhore.
CAMWHORE v. to perform sexual or titillating acts in front of a webcam for the gratification of online customers in return for money or gifts.
DOGSHORESdogshores n. Plural of dogshore.
DOGSHORES n. shores used to hold a ship firmly and prevent her moving while the blocks are knocked away before launching.
ISOCHORESisochores n. Plural of isochore.
ISOCHORE n. a curve showing pressure and temperature, also ISOCHOR.
OFFSHORESoffshores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of offshore.
OFFSHORE v. to transfer jobs to another country.
PHORESIESphoresies n. Plural of phoresy.
PHORESY n. a symbiotic relationship between some arthropods and fishes.
POECHORESPOECHORE n. a semiarid region.
SEASHORESseashores n. Plural of seashore.
SEASHORE n. land bordering on the sea.
SHORESIDEshoreside adj. Located on or near a shore.
SHORESIDE n. the area near the shore.
SHORESMANSHORESMAN n. (US) one who dwells on or by the shore, also SHOREMAN.
SHORESMENSHORESMAN n. (US) one who dwells on or by the shore, also SHOREMAN.
WHORESONSwhoresons n. Plural of whoreson.
WHORESON n. (archaic) bastard; whore's son, also HORSON.
ZOOCHORESzoochores n. Plural of zoochore.
ZOOCHORE n. a plant with seeds or spores dispersed by animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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