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There are 16 words containing HICH

AMPHICHROICamphichroic adj. (Chemistry) Exhibiting or producing two colours, as substances which may change red litmus to blue and…
AMPHICHROIC adj. producing two colours, one on reacting with an acid, the other on reacting with a base, also AMPHICHROMATIC.
AMPHICHROMATICamphichromatic adj. Amphichroic.
AMPHICHROMATIC adj. producing two colours, one on reacting with an acid, the other on reacting with a base, also AMPHICHROIC.
CHICHchich n. The chickpea.
CHICH n. the chickpea.
CHICHAchicha n. A fermented beverage from South and Central America, most commonly made from maize, grapes or apples.
chicha n. (Music) A genre of popular Peruvian music related to cumbia and native Peruvian huayno.
CHICHA n. an orange-red dyestuff used by South American Indians, also CHICA, CHICO.
CHICHASchichas n. Plural of chicha.
CHICHA n. an orange-red dyestuff used by South American Indians, also CHICA, CHICO.
CHICHESchiches n. Plural of chich.
CHICH n. the chickpea.
CHICHIchichi adj. (Mildly derogatory) Affectedly trendy; chic and stylish in a pretentious way.
chichi n. (Slang, Latin America, chiefly in the plural) A woman’s breast.
Chichi prop.n. Alternative form of Jiji.
CHICHIERCHICHI adj. elaborately ornamented.
CHICHIESTCHICHI adj. elaborately ornamented.
CHICHISchichis n. Plural of chichi.
CHICHI n. elaborate ornamentation.
EVERWHICHeverwhich adv. (Appalachia, Southern US) Whichever.
EVERWHICH adj. whichever.
ORNITHICHNITEornithichnite n. (Paleontology) A fossilised footprint left by a bird.
ORNITHICHNITE n. a fossil footprint of a bird.
ORNITHICHNITESornithichnites n. Plural of ornithichnite.
ORNITHICHNITE n. a fossil footprint of a bird.
WHICHwhich det. (Interrogative) What, of those mentioned or implied.
which det. The/Any ... that; whichever.
which det. (Relative, formal outside certain phrases) Designates the one(s) previously mentioned.
WHICHEVERwhichever det. (Interrogative) Which ever; emphatic form of ’which’.
whichever det. Regardless of the ... that; no matter which.
whichever det. Any or either ... that; the ... that.
WHICHSOEVERwhichsoever det. Emphatic form of whichever.
whichsoever pron. Emphatic form of whichever.
WHICHSOEVER adj. every one that.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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